Ignorance of the law is no excuse at all. It will not help the man who lives in a city using speed limit to speed through zone sign that read 30kmh while he was going 50. The man’s excuse that he did not see the sign will not mean a thing to the road safety officer and neither will our excuse for not having repented and trusted in Christ. Tragically, many will finally know that Jesus Christ is real and that heaven and hell are too at the last day. Their ignorance won’t help them then.
Webster’s Dictionary defines ignorance as either “a lack of experience or knowledge” or “the state of being uninformed.” Therefore, we are ignorant from birth. It is only as we go through life and learn about the world around us that we overcome that ignorance. The greatest ignorance is when the Word of God is ignored. That is when ignorance has reached its worst peak. That is when innocent ignorance transforms into wickedness. Ignorance by itself is not a sin, but ignorance of God and His laws quite often quickly results in sin. All of mankind have sinned in ignorance. Before the fall of Israel to the Assyrians, the prophet Hosea focused upon one of the causes of Israel’s impending destruction — ignorance (Hos. 4:6). Isaiah, in a similar vein, speaking for the Lord, warned the southern kingdom of Judah of a coming time of punitive devastation, he said, “My people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge” (Is. 5:13). The prophetic curse was fulfilled in the Babylonian Captivity.
There are many reasons people are ignorant: first. God’s timing - To have the veil of ignorance removed, you must be called by God (John 6:44). In Isaiah 44:18, it says that God shuts the people’s eyes and hearts so that they cannot see or understand. He won’t hold them fully accountable until He determines the time is right to call them. Second, laziness, some people are just too lazy to research God’s Word for themselves and therefore never gain any of its knowledge. This is why God tells us to be diligent in following Him. In Proverbs 6:6-11, King Solomon is saying that we must be like an ant, which works for its food, which seeks it out and finds it. Once the ant has that food, it never lets it go, but hoards it up and adds to it until such a time as it is necessary for the ant to use it.
Third, we live in a very selfish world, and sometimes we put the physical things that our materialistic society treasures above God and His precious knowledge. Christ says that some give up the knowledge of God because they allow the cares of this world to choke it right out of them (Matthew 13:22). Since they are in such active pursuit of their own desires, they don’t have time or desire to pursue the knowledge that God could give them. Fourth, some people hates education with passion. Any man that fails to learn, learn to be ignored. Such will live in ignorance until the time appointed. Never let knowledge skip your domain this year, may you profit from it in Jesus name, Amen.
Word Affirmation: “Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly." - Psa 6:10 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Any man that fails to learn, learn to be ignored."