The volume of information or the altitude of revelation at your disposal and how you process them determines the level of your affluence and influence in life. If there is anything to run after this year, it is knowledge which also includes the Word of God. For knowledge saves from destruction, keeps fear in check, add value to life and increase your account balance. The different between your present condition and future position is knowledge; ignorance is a great disease and will make people to ignore you. The reason why a lot of people suffer is not because of unanswered prayers but lack of knowledge. Do you wish to prosper this year? Invest in knowledge, knowledge about yourself, God, your environment, career, interest, general issues, religion, family, relationship, etc.
To know is to have an edge, God had to voice out about the destruction of his people due to lack of knowledge and awareness. Anyone that rejects knowledge will be rejected by God, take heart to knowledge this year. Have you made your plan? Does it contain the number of books to read this year? Having data and phone does not mean you should waste it on watching comedy alone, it does mean getting access to information online, undergo online courses, tutorials, and visit Youtube for a lot of learning and interest of values. Search the web, let online meet with your environment and if you pursue after the knowledge therein, you will surely reap bountiful harvest by the end of the year or lay a solid foundation for the years ahead. Knowledge can buy you a car, build you a house, take you abroad and above.
Treat all information receives as data to be processed, have you heard about the phrase, information is power, but let me add, “processed” information is power, you should process any information received to your advantage, that’s knowledge. Be ready to learn and if you know a little, be ready to teach those who don’t. Anybody that rebel against knowledge can expect no other than to perish in the dark (Eccl. 12:9). God is saying that one can be destroyed for not knowing something. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent - Acts 17:30. Solomon in his wisdom said, “Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way” - Proverbs 19:2.
Therefore, educate yourself thoroughly in the area desired, there is nothing like half-knowledge, it is mere ignorance which cost a fortune. I have to ignore so many artisans last year because they do not know their jobs and I know such will also be praying to God to bring customers, but forgetting that God can bring customers, but it takes knowledge to keep them. Are you in the category of people who go for apprenticeship, learn little and before you know it, establish their own workshops, you will sooner or later pay for it. You are not suffering because God did not answer your prayers; you are suffering because of what you did not know. An answer to your prayers is knowledge away.
Word Affirmation: “Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping." - Psalm 6:8 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Knowledge can buy you a car, build you a house, take you abroad and above."