Do you want to double your achievement this year? Then walk with the Word (of God and of self), the Word of God is life and light, your words also contain life and death. To profit from the word this year, make yourself available for the Word; the world were framed by the Word of God (Hebrews 11:3) and everything you are doing is to fulfill the Word. The successes you will have this year are attached to certain Word of God written, spoken or conceived. If there is anything to invest in this year, it is the Word. The Word works more than any medicine, so walk with Him more this year.

Now of this word it is said, that He is quick; very lively and active; compared to the light and nothing quicker than the light; the Word is not only quick, but quickening; He is a vital light, the living word (Hebrews 4:12). Saints die, and sinners die; but the word of God lives forever. Do you want to live? Declare the Word. Do you need healing, throw the Word against disease and sickness? Make your words your sword. In the Word you live, move and have your being. Gather enough scriptures from the Bible, ask Holy Spirit to breadth on the Words and apply same to every situation. This year will not only listening to your plan, but waiting for the Word of God to fulfill.

Is there anything too difficult you cannot handle, take it to the Word, the Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word will help you to live in God’s secrets and revelation while those who ignore Him will live in darkness and obscurity. The Word is the true light which lights every man that comes to the world. The Word can make you rich and great if only you read, study, share, meditate and publish the Word. I have equally been careful not to use the word, “it” for the Word, because the Word has life, He is a person and can do anything. So how do you treat the Word, the Word is more than any of the Bible versions you have at your disposal.

Do not forget the four leprous men, the city was been ravaged by famine, the man of God spoke the Word and went to sleep; the Word was walking around the city looking for whom to work with, He did not see anybody until He saw the four lepers at the city gate. When the Word walked with them, their leprous feet became a noise of chariots (2 Kings 7); when you walk with the Word this year, you become mighty instrument in the hand of God; whatever you lay your hands on will prosper. AT the Word of Jesus, harvestless Peter turned to a successful fisherman overnight. He had toiled all night, no results; but when he waited at the feet of the Word, he received his own word which prospered him instantly. If you do not want to walk this year in vain, wait on the Word. Wake up in the morning and at night, locate any of the words you want and begin to confess or affirm them, you will be glad you did. See you over the TOP.

Word Affirmation: “Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation." – Psalm 5:1 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“Saints die, and sinners die; but the word of God lives forever."