I hope by now you have understanding about the power and authority in the Word of God, I urge you to always pray and act the Word; this is the secret of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that of the great (wo)men of God living or dead, even though they died yet speaks.
Let’s look at some of the things that will make your words and that of God to be effective. For you to say a thing and come to pass you must do or have the following:
1) You must have a firm and constant relationship with God through His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. To have access to God, you must make His Son your best friend, let Him introduce you to His Father as His best friend and whatever you are looking for from the Father, you will get, even by your own words (John 14:6).
2) You must have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Peter denied Jesus thrice before cockcrow. Remember, Peter had seen Jesus (the Word), had encountered with Him, walked with Him and he was a great follower, but at this time, he lacked power (Read Luke 5:5-9, Mark 14:58). The same Peter when the Power of the Holy Spirit came upon him (Acts 1:8; 2:1-4, 14-41) preached with boldness and power (his best message) and in one meeting, three thousand (3000) souls repented from their sins and became followers of Christ. Do you want God to honour your words always or you want the Word of God to prosper you? You need the baptism of the Holy Spirit and you must regularly ask for the fire and power of the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit is the best friend of the Word of God.
3) Don’t be selfish. As I said in previous parts, your motive is important when dealing with the Word. That which you are asking God to do, what is the purpose? Is it for the general good or for your own selfish interest? If what you are asking God to do prosper many people around you or will be used for God’s purpose, you will definitely see the evidence of the Word.
Word Affirmation: “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you." - Psalm 91:7 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“To have access to God, you must make His Son your best friend."
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