The Word of God is Yea and Amen; He is the Beginning and the Ending of all things. The Word of God does not sleep, ever busy and never idle. Right from the beginning of the world, He has been working and never stops working. He (the Word of God) is Ageless, Timeless and Expireless. If anything is missing, the Word of God has the capacity to find it.The situation of Samaria at the time of second Kings was so bad, people were eating their sons due to famine and the besieged of the land by Benhadad king of Syria. Benhadad gathered his host, went up, and besieged Samaria. There was so great famine in the land and the King determined to kill Elisha (2 Kings 6:24-33). Wickedness and evil will always prevail where there is no Word of God. Their experience even right from the king’s palace to the city centre was the same: no food, no money; to the extent that women were killing their sons for food.
Through Prophet Elisha, the people received the Word of God and the Man of God prophesied; he did not provide food for the people, he only shared the Word and that in the next 24 hours, the impossible will become possible. People were experiencing great affliction, no rain, no food, nothing but the Word of God was talking about abundance in the next few hours. The king’s special adviser could not comprehend the Word spoken by Elisha; he used his head and certification to calculate the Word of God. Elisha said by this time tomorrow, a measure of fine flour would be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria. Beloved, if you locate the Word of God or the Word finds you, how the Word will come to pass is not your concern, all what you need doing is to receive and hold on to Him. For without doubt, it will surely happen, except if it is not the Word of God. It has capacity to become true.
Four lepers at the gate of Samaria were used by God to fulfil His Words; there is nothing too small or great that God cannot use to bring His Words to pass in your life. The four lepers decided to enter into the Word of God and went to the camp of the Syrians. By rising up, their steps became mighty ones; for the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: whereas it was just four lepers that were walking towards the camp. As at the time the four lepers went to the camp of the Syrians, Elisha the Man of God who spoke the Word was sleeping in his house while the Word of God was busy working and walking around. The Word of God will always prosper those who are ready to take steps with Him. There was no food, but the Word of God said there is. A lord on whose hand the king leaned could not provide solution to the situation but have the audacity to question the integrity of God’s Word; anyway, he saw the manifestation but never tasted the fulfilment.
Before 24 hours, the Word of God has come to pass. How you treat the word of God determines how the world will treat you. If you have faith in the Word, you will enjoy the benefit therein. No matter the situation stand on the Word of God, never move, let the confidence you have in Him be so strong that even in the face of death, you are not shaking. If you discover your Word, claim and pray it until you see result. Our problem is not that we do not have the Bible; our problem is we do not know the Word. The Word lives in eternity while we live in time; use the Word of God to your own advantage. Do you want to prosper, go by the Word of God?
Word Affirmation: “The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." – Exodus 14:14 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“ Our problem is not that we do not have the Bible; our problem is we do not know the Word. "