Jesus is one of three divine Personalities calls the “Godhead” (Matthew 28:19; Rom. 1:20; Acts 17:29; Col. 2:9). The word “God” is usually used in referring to God the Father. We must also remember that Jesus is God the Son. When we think of Jesus, we usually think of Him as always having the name “Jesus” or being designated as “Christ.” However, when the angel spoke to Joseph about Mary bearing a Son, he said, “You shall call His name Jesus” (Matthew 1:21). Regarding the designation “Christ” (“anointed one”), Jesus was anointed by God with the Spirit (Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38) at His baptism (Matthew 3:13–17).
What was Jesus’ name before His earthly ministry? John said that Jesus was the logos —“the Word”—prior to His earthly existence. Logos is the Greek word translated “Word” in John 1:1, 14. It is the word from which we get “logic.” It is also used in combination with other words to mean “study of,” as in “biology” (the study of life). The Apostle John also used logos in other writings to refer to Jesus (see 1 Jn. 1:1; Rev. 1:2; 19:13). He was the only New Testament writer to use this term to refer to Christ. Christ came to this earth as the Word of God personified.
In 1:18 John wrote, No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. Jesus, by His teaching and by His Person, “explained” God. He told Philip, “. . . He who has seen Me has seen the Father . . .” (Jn. 14:9). The most thought-provoking part of John’s introduction is verse 14: And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. . . . We call this “the Incarnation” (from the Latin incarna¯re, meaning “to make [as] flesh”). The KJV often uses the word “carnal” to mean “fleshly” (Rom. 7:14). The classic biblical statement regarding the Incarnation is Philippians 2:5–8. While all the mysteries of the Incarnation can never be understood, by faith we accept the great truth that “the Word became flesh.”
The beginning of time, in which all creatures were produced and brought into being, found this eternal Word in being. The world was from the beginning, but the Word was in the beginning. Eternity is usually expressed by being before the foundation of the world. The eternity of God is so described (Psalm 90:2), before the mountains were brought forth. So Proverbs 8:23. The Word had a being before the world had a beginning. He that was in the beginning never began, and therefore was ever without beginning of time.
Beloved, will you release your life to the One who knows your beginning? John said, “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” If you have Him not in your life, you are ignorantly living in gross darkness, until you make Him your light, it will be difficult for you to be a light to your world and command influence. How about yielding your life to the One who created you, prayerfully seek Him and make Him your Lord and Saviour.
Word Affirmation: And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed - Joel 2:27 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“The Word had a being before the world had a beginning. He that was in the beginning never began, and therefore was ever without beginning of time.
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