Do you have doubt about Jesus? You are not alone. Somebody even did before His birth, His earthly father, Joseph. He was not sure where the pregnancy was coming from and has never heard about the Pregnancy of the Holy Spirit, he wanted to leave Jesus’ mother secretly until the Angel intervene. There is no crime in believing, but there is a great danger in doubting the truth. Let the word of God you hear be enough to believe in the person of Jesus Christ, do not listen to the gimmicks of the devil.
Christ was born of a virgin, but a betrothed virgin, those in whom Christ is formed will show it: it will be found to be a work of God which he will own. Jesus was formed of the Holy Spirit, if you allow God to form and mould you into His purpose and plan, you will not only do the works Jesus did, God’s greater works will be confirmed in your life as it became that of Joseph a foster father of the Child of the Holy Spirit.
Never think that if you give your life to Christ this will mark the end of inconveniences or trials, the coming of Jesus to Joseph was a bit inconvenient but he managed to overcome it. How do you reconcile keeping your own promise and your partner suddenly showed up with pregnant and then come around to tell it is of God. It was not the custom in Israel to get pregnant before wedding, but the Angel asked Joseph to take Mary as his wife. You cannot imagine the embarrassment and public ridicule Joseph faced at this time. Yet, he took the pain. Never think of your present condition, think about it purpose. This will help you push aside those who mock you or hail you while doing God’s will.
Jesus Christ also called Jesus son of Joseph, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Galilee or simply “Christ”, Christ was not originally Jesus’ name. It was customary among ancient Jews to have only one name and add either the father’s name or the name of their place of origin. This is why during his life, Jesus was called sometimes Jesus of Nazareth and other times Jesus son of Joseph (see Luke 4.22; John 1.45; 6.42; Acts 10.38). The word Christ is not a name but a title derived from the Greek word, “Christos, a term analogous to the Hebrew expression Meshiah, “The anointed one”. Many Jews hoped that the former glory of Israel would be restored by a newly anointed son of King David, and they used the Messiah title to refer to this restorer. Early Christian literature sometimes combined the name of Jesus and his title using them together as Jesus’ name: Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus. Who is this Jesus to you? The Christ, your Messiah, Lord and Saviour? Jesus is Lord to some people but not their Saviour. Today, have a resolution to let Christ be your Lord and Saviour.
Word Affirmation: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder - Isaiah 9:6 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Never think that if you give your life to Christ this will mark the end of inconveniences or trials, the coming of Jesus to Joseph was a bit inconvenient but he managed to overcome it.
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