Who or what you turn to when you find yourself in any challenge is your god. Do you believe you can do all by yourself just because you have fat salary or beautiful plan and things are working in your favour presently? It is not by power nor by might, also the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill. Many people are not seeing God faster in their worlds because they place too much confidence in their abilities, families, education, businesses and shortcut found in embezzlement or fraud perpetrates in public and private offices. Many people would have not come to Christ today if not that they needed prayers to keep what they have stolen. Each and everyone know the source they got their blessings from, no matter how you paint your testimonies, you know the main source of yours. Will you let God help you? Will you step aside for God to step in into your situation so you can have true riches and wealth?
Jacob obtained his brother birthright and blessings, his mother celebrated him and Jacob thought he had arrived. Oh! God prophesied about it and now it has come to pass, big lie. What God says He would do, He has capacity and thousands of ways to bring it to pass without your assistance. Jacob would not step aside to receive the promise. When God said to him, let me step in into your destiny, he said, no and the Bible says, he went on his own journey. He was sent away from home to go look for a wife, he got four, this man would not allow God to step in into his situation and his destiny was postponed. Do you want to have early satisfaction and come into destiny fulfilment this year? Allow God to step in now.
When Moses stepped aside, God stepped into his destiny; a fugitive at 80 years became a prophet of God for life; he was at the back of the desert shepherding the flocks of his father-in-law when he supposed to be shepherding the flock of God’s children, the Israelites. This man wanted to help God; he killed an Egyptian and thought it a hidden secret. Lo and behold, his own people broke the news and he had to run away from the palace and God would only appear to him after 40 years, God appearance to Jacob again was after 20 years. Moses postponed the deliverance of God’s people in Egypt, God said the Israelites would spend 400 years in the land, but ended up staying extra 30 years. God knew what He was doing, Moses was born when it was 350 years of bondage, and killed an Egyptian at 390 years, ten years before their deliverance period. Moses stepped in where he supposed step aside. He increased the number of years the Israelites supposed to spend in bondage.
Do not postpone God’s great deliverance over your life. Let God be in charge of your life and Him be the Landlord over your affairs. Will you pause today and take a deep thought about your life, see whether God is in control or you are the one driving your life the way you like. I have no doubt God will reward you greatly this year, but do not postpone God’s great breakthrough in your life. Stop threshing wheat by the winepress; you are a mighty man of valour. Break forth in Jesus name (Amen), but do not forget to step aside for God to step in.
Word Affirmation: “Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just." - Psalm 7:9 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Who or what you turn to when you find yourself in any challenge is your god."