To live confidently in a confused world is to live a life of the Spirit, having access to God’s revelation everyday will bring about great prosperity; no man can succeed who live his life in the physical alone. Before this year came to being, it has been concluded, those who cooked it in the spiritual control it in the physical. To have victory in the natural world, you must be a strong person, a conqueror in the spiritual. You must daily live your life in the Spirit. Problems exist because there is no revelation about it. If there is open revelation, problems fade away. To live a problem-free life in the New Year, desire to live in God’s revelation.
Revelation is communication from God to man. It occurs in many different ways. Some prophets, like Moses, Elijah, Elisha and Isaiah talked with God face to face and lived in God’s revelation. Some persons have had personal communication with angels. Other revelations have come through the dreams or in waking visions of the mind. It should be a grand privilege for every child of God to have the manifestations of the Spirit every day of his life. Elijah did not have to be troubled to travel anywhere, Daniel lived in health, and Joseph prospered because all dwelt constantly in God’s vision. Those who live in the Spirit do not struggle to harvest in the physical, they know where the blessings are. Men who became prophets in their days lived in the presence of God more than any other man, they created time to be in His presence, your problem can be solved if you create time to be in the presence of God more.
Revelation can come through events, by words and through persons. God reveals Himself in the events of nature and history. We learn of Him from the changing seasons and from the power of nature. God’s revelation is also word-revelation, because it proceeds from God’s own speech - John 1:1–14. Likewise, God does not leave us to figure out for ourselves what will happen in the present or in the future, He also send us prophets which include you (Deut. 18:18-22). If you are looking for a job and you know where to get it, will you trouble yourself? No! So revelation is knowing what others don’t know, having a pre-knowledge of event, words and persons or cause of actions.
If there is anything you need to desire this year, it is to live in God’s revelation and you can only have such by the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, dwelling in the presence of God, study the Word of God more and prayerfully considered. In addition, the highest, deepest divine revelation is the incarnate Lord Jesus Christ, God in person. Jesus displays His Father’s control over all things (Mark 4:41), speaks His Father’s words (John 3:34), and appears as the Father’s glorified presence with His people (Matt. 17:1-8). Man is left inexcusable by the light of nature (Romans 1), but he is like a short-sighted and bleary-eyed man who cannot see clearly. He needs spectacles. The dense ignorance, low morality and abject helplessness of man in his natural state demands the revelation embedded and contained in the whole of Scripture. Joseph, Daniel prospered by revelation, you too can if only you do what they did.
Word Affirmation: “My defence is of God." - Psalm 7:10 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“If there is open revelation, problems fade away."