Have we also sold Jesus? Judas sold Him out. He received thirty pieces of silver, the legal price of a slave under the Law of Moses. One woman talked to her pastor about her husband. “He is not a Christian,” she said. She began to tell about how unchristian he was, and so the pastor asked, “How do you respond? How do you react? Are you a bit harsh? Are you bitter?” She softened a little and said, Well, yes, really, I am. Would you treat Jesus that way? The pastor asked. She said, No, sir. The man of God then said, Maybe we had better pray for you instead of your husband. She humbly said, Yes, sir. Within less than a year her husband obeyed the gospel and he became an elder in the church.

Have you sold Him out in your home? Are you kind to your husband or wife? Are you as civil with your mate as you would be with Jesus if He were in your household? Would you cut Him off bluntly?” Have we sold Him out in the church? You see, we can sell Jesus too. A lot of times we get far less than thirty pieces of silver. We sometimes sell Him for a lot less than Judas, and yet we criticize Judas.

Judas did not have to commit suicide. He regretted his action and could have repented. Peter repented. Judas only regretted. He went back to the high priest with the money and said, “I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood. They said, What is that to us? See thou to it.”Judas threw the money down on the floor and went out and hanged himself. I feel sorry for him. Have you ever sinned and regretted it? Have you ever repented? Assuming that Judas repented he would have gone to meet with the rest apostles by the sea where Peter and other six went a fishing. It was not only Him that erred, Peter and the six erred too, the seaside would have been a perfect place where Judas would have sought for forgiveness, not that he would go and kill himself.

The Bible says Judas “repented.” But actually what Judas did was not repentance. The word in this passage which is translated “repented” is from a different Greek word than the one generally used. “Regretted” is what the Greek word really means. Judas regretted what he had done but he didn’t repent. Many times we regret that we have gotten caught but we don’t repent. Repentance means a change of direction. You may be regretful about your life, but will you repent, truly repent? Remember the difference between regretting and repenting is the difference between life and death.

Word Affirmation: “Preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings." – Psalm 140:4 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“The difference between regretting and repenting is the difference between life and death."
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