The C in DIRECTION stands for COURAGE. God understands that for a man to fulfill in life, he needs courage. You must have self-belief, assurance that things will work as planned and be brave in the face of opposition. After the death of Moses, Joshua took over the leadership, God said to him more than twice in one encounter to be strong and courageous. God had given Joshua the direction to go, but He knew that no accomplishment unless he possess a courageous spirit. Beloved, to realize God’s vision, you must be courageous (Joshua 1).
What made Gideon to thresh wheat by winepress was fear! The difference between him threshing wheat by winepress and confronting the enemies was lack of Courage (Judges 6). You must be courageous to stay in right direction and to reach your destination. When one lack courage, he will not be encouraged and misses his chances in life. These set of people in the Bible should inspire you to be courageous: Moses had the courage to face the past, David, the courage to face impossible situations; Esther, the courage to take a big risk and Daniel, the courage to not give in. Courage will help you to realize God’s vision in this life.
Moses faced his insecurity and fears by responding to God’s call to go back to Egypt where his fears began. He was motivated by God’s vision of working through him to save his people. He gained courage because God promised that he would be with him through the journey. In turn, Moses’ bravery inspired the Jews to follow his lead. David had the courage to go to battle with a giant, the battle showed up when he least expected, but he was steadfast in confidence, believed that God would protect him like many times before. His act of faith influenced the whole army of Israel to join the battle and was victorious with God on his side. Esther risked her life to save the Jews. She was motivated by the faith, taught by her uncle Mordecai, that she would be fulfilling the call to save God’s people through her. Daniel stood on his conviction to pray to God only, in spite of the consequence of being thrown into a den of lions as punishment. He was motivated to face this fear because he was so grateful to God for all the ways God blessed and protected his life. That gratitude made him extraordinarily confident.
Do you want the world to read about you? Be a courageous (wo)man. If you fuel your idea with courage, you will rule your world. You can be a man of knowledge, smart and full of revelation, but if you lack courage, you will achieve but nothing. Is there anything you wish to accomplish? Go all out with confidence and get it done. A person who is lazy and wants to stay home says, "There is a lion outside, and I might be killed in the streets!" – Pro. 22:13
Word Affirmation: “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain." - Isaiah 66:22 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“When one lack courage, he will not be encouraged and misses his chances in life."