EMPHASIS MORE ON RESILIENCE: You might not hit your target when you pray once, it may take you several efforts and observation of several hours of prayers before you receive your answers, you must be resilient in achieving your goals. Joash the king of Israel was faced with Syrian Army, he ran to Elisha the man of God on his sickbed, Elisha told him to take bow and arrows, open his window towards the eastside and shoot. The king shot only three times and stop, Elisha was wroth with him, and said, “Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times; then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice”. You must not be overwhelmed with problems as a child of God; you must keep going irrespective of whatever situation you find yourself. You have absolute control over situations and circumstances. Keep shooting, you will soon hit your target.
The E in DIRECTION stands for Education. Education is not sitting down within a four-walled classroom while somebody stand to reel out information to you. Education is awareness about yourself, awareness about your purpose, your environment, the plan of God, knowledge about your situation and things around which enables you take a firm decision. At an event recently, I noticed the attitudes of some of the participants, their attitudes towards the presentation, they thought they know it all, therefore, many of them were there physically but their mind has travelled far. During the day two, I have the opportunity of moderating the sessions and I told them when we started that learning is an event, something in you must strike with something the presenter will say at a particular point in time and it will be what you need to move ahead in the right direction. Indeed, their attitudes changed thereafter and at the end of the day, one of them came to me and said, “Thank you, Mr. Moderator for that statement of yours, it really changed the way I feel about the event and I am glad I participated in today’s meeting”.
A lot of God’s children do not know their identities, not aware about whom they are. Many people do not understand their circumstances, no man can reach his destination if he does not know where he’s coming from, where he is presently and where he is going. Do you know who you are? Knowledge will give you an edge in life, but what understanding do you have? Your academic orientation or experience is saying something about the direction you need to go. If one does not value education, have the zeal to learn new things daily, he will be devalued and deformed. You must be well-informed to have a destination. If any man ask you, where are you going; you should be able to tell him in clear terms, in less than one minute, who you are. When Jesus returned to Nazareth his birthplace, his identity was questions, the people said, “Isn't he Joseph's son? But because Jesus was self-aware, he did not say my name is Jesus Joseph. He spoke about His end, His direction. He reeled out His purpose via the word of God, check Luke 4:18-19. I ask again, “Do you know who you are?”
Word Affirmation: “Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me." - Psalm 40:7 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“No man can reach his destination if he does not know where he’s coming from, where he is presently and where he is going."