The D in DIRECTION stands for DETERMINATION as read yesterday, for today, we will consider the letter I which stands for IDEA. Idea gives direction and leads one to a destination. Idea gives identity, what you do daily you eventually become. If you follow your idea you find yourself in your destination. You will always travel in the direction of your thought. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is (Proverbs 23:7). So what do you give thought to daily? There is no amount of prayer one prays when you give thought to failure continually; one cannot end up as a success. Your idea is a sign or a pointer to your direction in life. A farmer cannot plant cocoyam and expect to harvest cocoa. God has endowed you with great ability to be extremely creative. So what is your mindset? If you have zero in on circumstances you find yourself, you cannot have an headway. Let your mind be open to new opportunities and new possibilities. Delete any form of negative thinking and replace them with new ways of doing thing. Whatever idea you come up with, you will travel in. You cannot be thinking like a chicken and fly like an eagle. Create the future you want.
The third character in DIRECTION is R which stands for RESILIENCE. Life is tough no doubt; man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble (Job 14:1). If one is not hard on hardship, such may live in abject poverty, you need the spirit of resilience to push through in life. You need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to keep you going in the face of trouble. When you are praying for direction, you must be ready to possess this quality called resilience. What you think will not happen on your way to success surely confront. People you think ordinarily will not trouble you may be hindrances to achieving your goals in life and ministry. People can make themselves oppositions, block your idea and withdrawal their support; at this time you need extra energy to push through.
Your past, background, education, friends, environment, government policies etc may constitute blockages or setbacks, if one do not have the strength to go forward; one may be lost in the wilderness of life. You must continuously be reminding yourself that I will succeed and carry this spirit to wherever you go. It is a spirit that says “I shall NOT die but live”; a special force that sees endless hope in hopeless end. You must persevere and persistent against all odd, God caught Moses’ attention, He gave him wonderful promises and how he (Moses) would lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, but He did not tell him that it would be through the Red Sea, wilderness, Jordan River and that they would have to rely on Manna from heaven and quails for forty years. To Moses, he already knew the journey between Egypt and Canaan would only cost him just forty days, but God does not walk the way we think. One thing that the spirit of resilience will do if you have it is to improve your knowledge about your circumstances, vision, ideas and people around you. It makes you a real person that does not rely on people mostly, but wanting to learn so many skills in order to come out of whatever challenges you finds yourself. Therefore, go in this thy mighty.
Word Affirmation: “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD." - Psalm 113:9 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“You cannot be thinking like a chicken and fly like an eagle."