Sometimes you watch a local movie and you will be blaming yourself, asking why you watched the movie in the first place; you continue thinking the reason why a producer will spend so much money producing such a film because it has no direction, nothing meaningful is achieved. In the same vein, this is how God our Creator watches some people, shaking His head in disappointment and ask also why men waste resources He deposited in them because many people are busy travelling on wrong directions. A director knows the character of every actor in a movie, he knows the responsibility of every actor, the direction the movie should go and the message he wants to pass to his audience. But many people do not have a direction and they claim directorship over their lives, the truth is, being a director is not a title, it is a responsibility.
Many young people will say, “Oh! Please leave me alone, I know what I’m doing. I can run my life the way I want”. If you are such a one, the truth remains that you do not know what you are doing and if care is not taking you will ruin your life. If one does not listen to those directors God placed at every critical junction of one’s life, such a life will not only fail to reach his destination, but also live the rest of his life to share bitter experience. Many times we pray to God for direction, asking God for the right path and when we walk in the way it seems nothing is working which make us to doubt the word of God or think that it may be that we did not hear God clearly. The truth is, indeed, we hear God loud and clear, but lack certain characters to reach our destinations. In this series, we will be looking at each character that makes the word, DIRECTION. What does it mean and how does it affect our journey in life and ministry.
Abraham obeyed God, he walked in the Way of the Lord, he was told to go to Canaan and into the land of Canaan he came (Genesis 12:5). The Israelites enjoy the acts of God, but only Moses knew the Way of the Lord (Psalm 103:7). Going in God’s direction is much more important than living in the miraculous. David exclaimed, the Lord is my Shepherd. He that is controlled and directed by God will live in the direction of Gold. Those who live according to God’s direction never lack food to eat and cloth to wear, it may seem that they are poor at present, soonest the glory of God will overshadow them and they shall be envied. Many movie ends with this inscription, “To God be the Glory”, but in essence the glory has depart right from the beginning of the movie, because the director never live to expectation. Are you in God’s project? Or are you merely running your own script? Do not produce movies that God is not the director, it is dangerous. Join us tomorrow to learn more about DIRECTION in life.
Word Affirmation: “O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!" – Psalm 119:5 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Going in God’s direction is much more important than living in the miraculous."