We have many names we used to eulogise God, among all of these which one did you construct by yourself? For the fact that you call somebody names does not mean you know that person. You may know all of his names including his surname, alias and middle name, yet the person did not know you at all. All those names given to God today were coined by men and women like you, He asked, who do you say that I am? Somebody said, He is the Almighty; another said, He is the All-Knowing God, the Greek said, He is the Messiah and many more.
At some point in Jesus’ life, He knew people called Him Rabbi, the Good One, a Prophet, Wonderful Counsellor, the Prince of Peace, etc; but He asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Yes, I know people called me names, but to you who see me day and night, who called yourself, Christian; who do you say I am? What can you say about me? What’s your conclusion? Will you say you know me by the name you called me? Is it what you have read about me that make you to conclude I am this or that? But if anybody asks you, who is Jesus; what are you going to say?
Some of His disciples said, people say, you are John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets (Mat 16:14). Some have even called you, “Atobajaye, Oyigiyigi, Erujeje”. Jesus said, thank you; but to you who listen to me or reading these words, “Who Am I to you? Jesus asked. And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Peter was in the Spirit and named Jesus right, in the heart of heart of Peter, he said, no Lord, you are NOT John the Baptist, you are more than Elijah, bigger than Jeremiah and larger than all the prophets. Jesus, you are the Christ, the Anointed One, the Saviour of the world, the One who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus was amazed and pronounced eternal blessings on Peter.
Beloved, you don’t have to pray for blessings, all what you need doing is to confess Jesus as the Christ and His blessings like that of Peter will come on you. It was only Peter that received the blessing of Christ because he recognized Him before Jesus was made known, Jesus pronounced heavenly blessings on him, he made Peter His type, the Rock and built His Church upon Him and gave Him the Key of Heavens to go and come out at will. What a blessing! Do you want to command heavenly blessings? Do you want to become the Rock? Do you want to have the Key, access to God and the Heavens? All what you need doing is to confess Jesus the Christ. He does NOT take eternity to confess Jesus, but it takes eternity to enjoy Him. If you do not want the gate of hell to prevail against you, surrender your life to Jesus Christ in totality today. He is the Christ, the Sinless, and Sovereign Son of the Living God.
Word Affirmation: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God – Matthew 16:16. (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“He does NOT take eternity to confess Jesus, but it takes eternity to enjoy Him."
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