When a man so utterly rejects wisdom as a youth he retains the mentality of a child. This state of mind has its root in a reversal of the desired orientation of will: one that loves what it should hate and rejects what it should receive. His emotional-motivational orientation is in the wrong direction. Fool characteristics can be found in the book of Proverbs. He blindly rejects all knowledge, advice, and counsel. They hate knowledge; refuse to listen and fail to heed; spurn advice and have nothing to do with wisdom’s reproof; and do not choose the fear of the Lord; have none of wisdom’s counsel and despise all her reproof; turn away from wisdom and remain complacent in ignorance. Notice their resistance to learning:
Fools hate discipline and education; instead, what they love is what they should hate – Proverbs 10:23; 13:19.
Having a backwards mental orientation, fools are incapable of acquiring knowledge and understanding - Proverbs 14:33; 17:16.
Fools lack self-control and are slaves of their primitive impulses and urges - Proverbs 14:16, 17; 14:29.
Their impulsiveness gives them immediate gratification and thereby, it deceives them - Proverbs 14:8.
Like children they are transparent, easily exposed as fools – Proverbs 12:16.
Their primitive minds are egocentric incapable of objective judgment about right and wrong - Proverbs 12:15.
Fools lack both the will and the ability to perform concentrated labour, preferring to chase wild schemes - Proverbs 12:11.
Having mature bodies governed by a child’s mentality makes fools troublesome, destructive, and dangerous – Proverbs 14:1.
Two paths diverge in front of each man: the path of foolishness and the path of wisdom. One leads to ruin; the other leads to happiness and joy. Which will you take?
Word Affirmation: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto (MENTION YOUR NAME) the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him - Eph 1:17 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Developing one’s mind is a responsibility that is decidedly personal.”
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