No one is immune from anxiety, believers and unbelievers alike worries about uncertainty or event that will never happen. Jesus warned all believers not to worry about things to eat, to wear, to drink and for life; yet these things has been the reason why many prays and not only that many Christians pray with anxiety. If God can give you sound health, why then worry about what to wear? Is life not more than raiment? But no one should deny the fact that anxiety is not a personal problem on one hand and a global challenge on the other. Every man or woman you see in the world today worries about something.
Why then is anxiety a problem? 1) Anxiety is a problem for Christians primarily because Christ does not want us to be anxious. To be fearful and anxious is, to some extent, evidence of a lack of faith (Matthew 14:31). (2) In addition, anxiety robs us of peace and contentment without providing any benefits. Billy Graham said, “[Worry] is disastrous to health, robs life of its zest, crowds out constructive, creative thinking, and cripples the soul.” (3) Further, anxiety can lead to other problems. In particular, anxiety can cause actual physical illness. The body and mind are closely connected. Just as an illness of the body can negatively affect the mind and emotions, so anxiety in the mind can negatively affect the body; “high blood pressure, heart disease, panic attacks, depression, and frequent illnesses are some of the long-term effects of worry.” Many physical problems originate in the mind. You can now see the reason why Christ warns us not to be anxious. It is dangerous to our health and He wishes us above all things that we prosper and be in health (3 John 2). Without sound health you cannot work for God successfully.
We live in an “age of anxiety.” Judging by the number of advertisements on television for headache remedies sold as a solution for stress-induced anxiety, there is an epidemic of anxiety in the world. We all feel anxious at times. We may worry about having enough money to care for our families, about the possibility of getting sick, about succeeding in our work, or about our relationships with others. We may develop anxiety about international crises, national problems, or even how our favourite child is doing. We worry about the weather, about the future, and about getting old. The list is endless.
Christians are not immune from the problem of anxiety. In a sense, godly people may have even more to worry about than unbelievers. We may be concerned about why people are so sinful, about the unfaithfulness of certain disciples, about the state of the church in general, or about particular situations in the local congregation. Sharing the frailties of the flesh with the rest of mankind, we also share the human tendency to worry. Therefore, we are often anxious—even though Jesus said, “Do not be worried” (Matthew 6:25, 31, 34); “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27); “Do not let your heart be troubled” (John 14:1, 27). There is a need to realize that most of your worries are needless. If you believe strongly and absolutely in God, the peace of the Lord will overshadow your heart; you don’t have to worry about your problems. Cast your burden upon the Lord, for He cares for you (Psalm 55:22).
Word Affirmation: “As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me." - Psa 55:16 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“God cares, why worry!"
Central Truth