God will work with whatever tool He met in your hands at anytime you come to the consciousness of your mandate. When you know the authority you carry, even ordinary stone become a mighty weapon. When you are in power, you command possibilities and move in endless progress. Moses was at the backside of the desert when God called unto him through the burning bush, when Moses turned aside, he turned to his mandate, which is to lead the Israelites out of the land of bondage. When he did not understand his mandate, the current power at his disposal, God asked, “What’s that in your hand?” Moses said, A Rod! That’s what Moses needed, a mantle of authority and power. Moses would later use the Rod to wrought miracles, signs and wonders in Egypt.
The Rod in the hand of Moses was just a secondary instrument, an evident of power, might and authority; but the main things that God gave to Moses are His (God’s) name and His Words. He said to Moses, I am the I AM THAT I AM (See Exodus 3). The beauty of operating your mandate is in the Word of God and the name of Jesus the Christ, not only this but also declaration of the Word at all times and proclaiming His name in the face of hopelessness. The three young Hebrews said to Nebuchadnezzar, “We are not careful to answer you in this matter, O king! The king was furious and threw them into the fiery burning furnace, but the FOURTH MAN appeared. The point is, not until we are ready to make a demand upon our mandate we will not see God in our situations. You are the Son of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, stop behaving like chicken.
When the Israelites failed to understand and work in their mandate, they ran away from their enemies (only Goliath) for eighty times, at the eighty-first times when Goliath came, the man who was ready to operate his mandate came into the scene. Operating one’s mandate is not about size, it is in knowing and demonstration of the knowledge of your mandate. Joash became a king at a tender age; David killed his ten thousand at seventeen. When are you going to appear at the scene? The choice is yours!
Another beauty is, those who know their mandates don’t beg, they command. Stop begging God in prayers, it is absurd, stop pleading to God to attend to your case, God is too big to attend to your case, it is your case that must attend to God. If you are in power indeed, you don’t have to buy anything with your money, people who need your favour will favour you freely, they will give you freely both the ones you need and don’t. Have you ever read it in the Bible that after the Ascension of Jesus, His disciples lack anything? Never! Christ gave His disciples the Word, so also we, we must therefore operate by the letters and Spirit of our mandate.
Word Affirmation: “And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty - Exodus 3:21 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Not until we are ready to make a demand upon our mandate we will not see God in our situations."
Central Truth