MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (satisfied).” ” – Matthew 5:6

Today, we are looking at the three remaining techniques to improve our appetites for the things of God. You can check the Beatitude (10) for the first three:

(4) Improve your spiritual appetite by “eating” regularly. A person who does not have regular mealtimes may lose his appetite or fill himself with “junk food” which destroys his appetite for healthy food. Spiritually, we need to have regular “mealtimes.” The Bereans were complimented by Luke because “they received the word with great eagerness” and examined the Scriptures “daily” (Acts 17:11). We need to be present for congregational “mealtimes,” and we also need daily times for personal study and prayer. Regular study will enable us to handle the Word accurately (2 Timothy 2:15).

(5) Beware of appetite killers. Even as physical junk food can destroy one’s appetite for healthy food, mental junk food can diminish our interest in God’s Word. We can so fill our minds with worldly matters and worldly entertainment that spiritual food loses its appeal for us. Some people long for things of this world which cannot satisfy the soul (Isaiah 55:2).

(6) Here is one more suggestion: It may help to share your “meals.” Widows and widowers lose the incentive to prepare proper meals after their mates die. They lose their appetites when they have to eat alone. If you are having trouble stimulating your spiritual appetite, sharing your spiritual meals may help. Husbands and wives can study together. A family can have family devotionals. Sit down with a friend and talk about the Bible. Perhaps a group of friends could get together for times of study and prayer.

Do you long for a clearer understanding of God, His way, and His will? Jesus promised, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32). If you do hunger and thirst for righteousness, you have the opportunity to show how intense your desire is. You can confess your faith in Jesus (Romans 10:9, 10) and be baptized into Him (Galatians 3:26, 27). You shall be greatly satisfied if you thirst and hunger after God, His Kingdom and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

“You shall be greatly satisfied if you thirst and hunger after God, His Kingdom and its righteousness.”
Central Truth