When Lazarus died, his graveyard was sealed up with a stone; his hope for life has been sealed not just by the physical stone but also his people, family and friends. Martha deferred Lazarus resurrection till the end of the Ages, second stone; she believed in Jesus but had limited understanding about spirituality (always in the kitchen when Christ came). When Jesus asked that the stone be taken away, Martha said, “By this time he stinks: for he has been dead four days”. The problem with this type of mentality is such persons or believers believe strongly in God, has intimate relationship with Christ, fervent in spiritual activities but too calculative when it comes to what God can do. Such Christians know anything is positive, but in their own imagination, God may not do certain things. As a child of God, your own responsibility is not to think about God with your brain; whatever you imagine, God can do far and beyond. Absolutely believe that He can do all things and He is doing all things now. It is not your responsibility to think about how God will do a particular thing, that’s of God. Do not hinder your prayers by how you think about God. Let your action, thought, conversation correspond with your prayers and believe.

If Jesus could raise the dead, then why was He asking for ordinary stone to be taken away? Couldn’t He take away the stone and raise the dead by Himself? Most times the hindrance to our results is not outside of us but within; Martha may not know that she contributed to keeping Lazarus back in the grave, but how about the stone that Mary must also take away too, the third stone that kept Lazarus in the graveyard. When Jesus said, “Take away the stone”, everybody was busy looking at the physical stone but not their own stones (their omission or commission) that hindered the moves of God.

In John 11:20, the Bible says, “Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met Him: but Mary sat still in the house. Mary was disappointed in God, she was disappointed in Jesus; if I had given my time to study at Jesus’ feet and gave Him my best, broke my Alabaster Box and when I needed Him the most He did not show up, then why must I go to meet Him now when all hope is lost (this stone must be taken away). Don’t you too do likewise? You think in your heart, all this time that I have been working for God, going to church and serving Him, nothing to show for it. I’m no longer concern about the things of God; you are a “Mary” who stood still (behind) when Christ finally came. Agreed, Martha was always in the kitchen (outside the church) but how much more you Mary always in the church, at Jesus’ feet, why are you casting away your confidence which has great recompense of reward? (Hebrews 10:35). If you want to see the glory of God, you must take away this stone.

Is there any stone in your heart that can block your own miracles or results? Check! The stone of unbelief, the stone (tone) of disappointment, and the stone of tiredness about the things of God because you did not see God in time; remember, God’s time, thought, or ways can never be your time, thought or ways. What you need doing is to be busy taking away any stone (hindrance) that will make you not to see God in glory. Will you take away the stone?

Word Affirmation: “Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?" - John 11:40 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“As a child of God, your own responsibility is not to think about God with your brain; whatever you imagine, God can do far and beyond."