Altar calls do not necessarily bring men to Christ without genuine repentance, many people have yielded to Christ crying at the altar but their behaviours afterwards were shocking. Today, the more people hear the word of God on radio and television channels and via social media the more Jesus is fading away in their lives. Don’t be among those who blindly follow Jesus and never checked the person they preached to them. You were told Jesus saves, heals, prospers and blesses and you did not personally checked whether this is true or not and after a while you do not see those things and here you are disappointed. Who disappoints who? You have not been told much about Jesus Christ, you did not pass through discipleship or baptismal class, the church has welcomed you into a group. They only succeeded in keeping you as a member of the church and not as a member of Christ. A day will come when your followership will be tested, here is where many failed and turn back from Jesus, because initially they did not get the Person of Jesus.
Don’t be ignorant, check the Jesus you received. Jesus does not drink, but how come you claim you received Jesus and still engages in alcohol. Many people who claimed to be born again today, actually yielded at the time the call was made but thereafter collected back their lives from Jesus. It does not matter; you might have been in the church for many years if you do not know and have the real Jesus whose life is open and can be verified, may you never be like someone who says, “I was once a Christian”. Tell me, what kind of situation will the likes of Daddies Adeboye, Oyedepo, Olukoya, Kumuyi, Enenche and host of other fathers find themselves, for them to now think of denying Jesus? It is because they know Jesus and have genuine encounter with Him, this is the kind of experience you need to have.
Before now, it was Peter and Judas Iscariot (John 13); but now it was the turn of Philip and Thomas, these Ones has been with Jesus for a while, but do not really know Him (John 14:5-12). People see them with Jesus but they were not truly with Him. Jesus thought they knew everything about Him and His mission, but look at the kind of statement made by Thomas who had been with Jesus for more than three years, “Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? He called Jesus Lord but do not really know His Way. It is possible to be calling the name of the Lord and do not know Him.
Philip said, “Show us the Father.” After witnessing many miracles, signs and wonders; and even the one he, Philip performed and yet he did not know who God is, at this critical stage. I wouldn’t want you ignorant, go back to the Bible, check about Jesus, if you do not have money to travel to Israel to verify the claim in the Bible, watch them on Youtube, there are many videos that reveal the places and events mentioned in the Bible in order to understand Jesus and once you know Him, follow Him therefore. By this, you will be like the Samaritans who believed not just because of the message the woman preached to them, but because they listened to Jesus themselves (John 4:42). For His disciples, Jesus had to call for another meeting after His resurrection to bring back all of them. Three days ago, they were with Jesus, today they “go a fishing”, forgetting the mission (John 21:1-19).
Word Affirmation: The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee - Num 6:24-25 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Be like the Samaritans who believed in Jesus not just because of the message the woman preached, but because they listened to Jesus themselves.”