Do not just be a follower of Jesus, study Him. You must know a person thoroughly before you can go in his/her footsteps. There are so many role models today that display successes and affluence and can boast of many followers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but if truly studied, you will be surprised who they really are. They only display their successes but do not show their ways of life. But here is a Man who you how He was born, where He was born, His suffering, His death, His exploits and His Way of life are out there for you to see. Jesus did not just display His resurrection; His entire life is in the open. He had no secrets, He lived a life worthy of emulation.

Many who claimed to be followers of Christ are in churches but do not really know the person, the power, and the purpose of Jesus. All what they can boast of is being a member of a group in their churches. Does Jesus know you as His follower? When He is counting His own people, will you among? He had the inner caucus, the twelve, the seventy and the one hundred and twenty. Where do you belong? Don’t just pick Jesus based on the message you hear on television, radio and service; have a personal encounter with Him. Study Him, even when you do not have time to read the entire Bible; take time to read the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Acts of the Apostles. You will understand Him better and no one will cajole you. Be a man, become mature in Christ and be His follower indeed.

Jesus Christ represents the most important things that human beings do not really understand: way, life and truth. If you actually know these three things, you will be far ahead of others and will never be troubled. Assuming you know your way to better life, your journey will have been smooth and if you have the knowledge of a life you supposed to live, who will stop you not to be fulfilled. Finally, if you live in the revelation of the destiny and purpose by which you are created, you will not need to pray. But the good thing is, Jesus Christ is the summation of all. Thomas cried, “We do not know the Way”. None of us know the Way too, but we can only know the way by knowing the person of Jesus and follow in His footsteps. But many are missing the way, following the ways of their fathers, may you find the right way today. Those who know the Way never bother about what to eat, the Way is far better and richer than having foods and raiment.

Moses did not long for the acts of God, but for His Ways. God showed His acts to the Israelites but His Way to Moses (Psalm 103:7). Which one do you desire, God’s Way or God’s Miracle? The choice is yours. Knowing Jesus is knowing God, it is better now to take time to study to know Him. A fisherman will eat fish many times because he knows the way to catch fish, but a man who tasted fish once who do not know how to fish will long to eat and buy it many times. Your prayer today should be, “Lord, show me Your Way!” When you know the Way of God, you will never be confused. You shall not be stranded in life. Amen!

Word Affirmation: Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice - Psalm 55:17 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“When you know the Way of God, you will never be confused.”