After Elijah brought God back to the land of Israel by confronting Ahab’s sins, repairing God’s altar and the killing of the prophets of baal, he told the king to merry for there is a sound of abundance of rain even when there was no evidence. Likewise, I said to you today, you will have space for pace, rooms to exhibit the glory and purpose of God for your life. Hitherto, your journey has been slow for whatever reason, today the Spirit of the Lord will push you ahead far above and beyond your mates (Amen). The sons of the prophets said to Elisha, behold, our dwelling place is small, we want more rooms (1 Kings 6:1), because they knew that they can only achieve little with small space. Elisha followed them and by him they experienced great miracle. When one do not have money, help, helpers and resources to run his/her vision even though he is intelligent, such will be grounded in life.
Ahab mounted his chariot when indeed saw the sign of rain to go to Jezreel and the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah, he (barefooted) outran Ahab who was using a chariot. To recover lost ground, you need DIVINE speed in life. A fast-moving object has a high speed and covers a relatively large distance in a short amount of time. Contrast this to a slow-moving object that has a low speed; it covers a relatively small amount of distance in the same amount of time. An object with no movement at all has a zero speed. Elijah was ahead of the king even though he ran barefooted because the hand of God was upon him. You need divine push in life. In business or whatever you do, you need speed and God is giving you speed today, for a vehicle to maximize its potentials it needs space, what causes slow traffic, hold up or go slow is lack of space.
How do you obtain divine speed? Do what Elijah did. 1) Elijah stood for God and His interest, who and what you are standing for determines how far you will go in life. You are not available for the things of God and you want God to grant you speed, you are only joking. You do not evangelize your community, you do not give to the poor and widows, you do not have time for God’s word, and you cannot donate to His works whether in your church or elsewhere, it is impossible to experience speed in life.
2) Elijah lives in divine revelation, living in God’s revelation, getting to know what to do before others know it is what you need to prayerful and desperately desire. If you want to prosper, cover more ground and have rooms enough, you must be a man whom God speaks to and see visions. Check the life Daniel, he was a man who prospered by God’s secret and God’s secret is with his people. TO BE CONTINUED.
Word Affirmation: MENTION YOUR NAME FIRST, “Get up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.” – 1 Kings 18:41 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“To recover lost ground, you need DIVINE speed in life.”