When was the last time you preach and reach out to people around about Christ Jesus? Oh! Let me ask, “Are you born again? Have you been saved? Do you have Jesus not just your Lord but also as your Saviour? If your answer to these questions is no, why not confess Jesus today. Peradventure, you answer yes, let me with all sincerity ask the last time you go out for evangelism. Evangelism is not just sharing tract to people, it is the preaching of the Gospel of Christ to people around you. If your relationship is cordial, you will be willing and always looking for occasions to talk about your love to others.
Jesus’ disciples became pillars in God’s Kingdom not because they were born in Israel, they were not the only Jews in their time, but because somebody reached out to them. If the Gospel indeed is Good News, you will love to share. Jesus said you shall be my witness both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth; therefore, before you reach the world, do not assume your immediate family members (your Jerusalem) are born again. Everybody is busy in today’s world, prejudices here and there can make the saint faints, so determine to reach your family first with the Gospel and encourage them to come to Jesus and have assurances of salvation, then others can follow.
John bore Jesus record (his cousin), he did not say I have a successful ministry, I baptized even the Messiah, he said, “I must decrease for Jesus to increase”. He told his congregation, “Behold, the Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world”. He hadn’t finished his message when two of his disciples left him to become that of Jesus. A successful ministry is the one that shows people to Christ without minding whether his personal business will go down or not, all that matter to the minister is Heaven’s happiness and not offering. You do not need a building to reach to people, the field is green, your church is wall-less.
When one of the disciples who left John the Baptist to Jesus, Andrew by name met the Messiah, he did not keep the Good News; he went and called his brother, Peter. Jesus Himself did not say I am the Messiah, He too reached out and found Phillip, and Phillip went, looked out for Nathanael, a friend of his, preaching the Gospel of Christ. All of them later became the foundations of the Wall of the New Jerusalem, the City of God (Revelations 21:14). What if John the Baptist did not reach out to Andrew, or Andrew failed to preach to Peter, or Jesus refused to call Phillip and Phillip found not Nathanael, they would not amount to anything in this world and the Kingdom to come. It is a great wisdom to win souls for Christ (Proverbs 11:30).
Paul said woe unto me if I preach not the Gospel. Paul was known because of his mission works, his zeal for reaching the gentiles, via this, the Power of God was demonstrated in his life and his works. Miracles and answer to prayers may be in your reaching out to the lost, preaching the Gospel of Christ and sharing the Word of God with people around. Never assume people are born again or they do go to church, some people are appearing in the presence of God on Sunday to represent and showcase the devil. Will you take a walk with Jesus today to reach your community for the Kingdom? Power, Salvation, Healing, Miracles and Blessings are available when one preach the Gospel on the field, do not be afraid, Holy Spirit is your backup. Take a bold step today and preach Jesus the Son of God.
Word Affirmation: “For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed." – Isaiah 50:7 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Never assume people are born again or they do go to church, some people are appearing in the presence of God on Sunday to represent and showcase the devil."