Problems that result directly from our own sins are preventable. For example, the prodigal’s son terrible experiences in the far country were altogether preventable and avoidable. If he had stayed at home, he would not have endured these hardships. Similarly, the Book of Proverbs tells us that laziness results in poverty: Laziness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle man will suffer hunger (Proverbs 19:15). For every problem you encounter, there is a corresponding action, effort once neglected. Therefore, you can do something to shield yourself from problems, what you do today is either takes you away from problem or sink you into it. Watch your action, behaviour, association, spending, conversation and movement to avoid some challenges.

You can also overcome any problem, by saying that problems can be overcome, we are not saying that we can make them all go away. Rather, we are saying that we can deal with our problems and live successfully in spite of them. Problems are bound to occur whether by our actions or inactions, but you can walk out of any problem unhurt or unharmed by looking at the problem critically, dissect it and proffer solutions to arrest it. Is there anything to learn from your current situation to avoid any unwanted circumstance? Is there any association you need to avoid? Do you need to face your battle in life squarely, once and for all? Not all battles are the Lord’s, check there are some battles you need to sharpen your sword, put on your armour and fight.

There are some lessons we can learn when we encounter problems: 1. We should develop Christian graces: attitudes and behaviours that will help us cope with problems when they arise. 2. We should expect and prepare for problems that we can anticipate. 3. We should learn from the problems we experience. Each problem can become a growth experience for us—a means by which we become better, stronger people. 4. We should get help from other people— from (genuine) friends, family members, counsellors, brothers and sisters in the church—and, especially, from God. 5. We should try to perceive the hand of God in each problem that arises, to see God’s providence at work. It may be that what seemed to be a problem was really a blessing in disguise. 6. We should look forward to eternity in heaven with God, when there will be no more problems. 7. We should be cheerful, not pretentious and thank God for every situation we might find ourselves. May you experience good problem to your lifting in Jesus name, Amen!

Word Affirmation: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world - John 16:33 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“Not all battles are the Lord’s, check there are some battles you need to sharpen your sword, put on your armour and fight."