There is a place of effort, and also a place of grace. Think about this: you are alive, for what? Why will God keep you alive If not for something, it can never be for nothing. God has given you this life once and for all, He has also gives you power to do whatever you can, therefore your efforts can make something happen. You can make effort to build a house, to buy a car, and all manner of stuffs, as long as you live and God will not query you. In short, efforts too make something happen. If you continue to dig a well, your continuous efforts will make you to get to the water. Effort is to man what grace is to God, both produces.
Grace is what you achieved, become or do without any efforts, effort is what you do to make something happen. Man make efforts, God makes grace available. Grace is the prerogative of God, whatever you are praying to God to do, you can make it happen with your own efforts. For the efforts you made in a month as a civil servant, it will make income available for you at the end of that month; you don’t achieve that with God’s grace, you bring in income by God’s faithfulness (Understand this). Effort is within your reach while grace is within God’s reach. God make all grace abound and it will come on His term. Whatever you can do without sweat, that is grace; efforts are your labour over time. You have this life of yours by grace, so make efforts to fulfill destiny and make impacts in your world.
The preacher says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. God is not stopping anybody to work; He is faithful to favour you in whatever effort you are making. Grace is just a free gift, unmerited favour; and it will come at God’s time. Time and chance can only be given by God at his own time, but He (God) has given you life to do whatever you want to do. If you are joined to the living, you have the backing of God to do whatever you can to put food on your table. Continue to do what you can and stop playing idle, thinking you are waiting for God to help you, He has given you this life of yours, use it to the fullest. If you have tried and nothing is coming forth, the grace of God can step in; but for you not to try at all and expect grace to act on your behalf is a disaster. May God back up your efforts, amen.
Word Affirmation: “Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works." - Ecc 9:7 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Effort is within your reach while grace is within God’s reach."