Truly, as a child of God, there are some things you do not need to be praying for that has formed part of your prayers and that of many others. If there is a God=fearing leader at the helm of affairs, such nation’s resources will be evenly distributed, life will be meaningful and people will be happy, likewise praying for such a leader will be with a sincere heart. Our God is interested in who is at the helm of affairs because He cares about His people, a no participation in politics, a no vote on election day is to cause your prayers unanswered. Heaven will not open, manna will not fall, if you like pray till tomorrow, God is principled, what we need as a people has already be deposited on earth to profit with all.

For a larger percentage of people to prosper in a country, not this one or two people coming to the altar to testify of the goodness of God, the people in power must put the interest of the people at heart and be ready to fulfil God’s purpose. The nations that are better off today placed God in their forefronts, blessed with leaders who shared God’s purpose and use their God-given resources to develop their nations and prosper the people. Equally, a child of God must know why he want to be part of the governance system of his nation, not to acquire wealth but to serve the people and reveal God to the people.

Today, there are all manners of beauty pageant contests, from Miss World to Miss this or that and I asked, for what purpose? People have even said, Esther contested in a beauty parade before she was selected as a queen, so why can’t a Christian lady participate in a beauty contest? I asked again, for what purpose? Esther contested with the sole aim of becoming a queen, when there was a need, but why do young ladies contest in Miss World or something today? It is to miss it for life; there hasn’t be any purpose for it, many of those who had contested or participated, even those who won it at some points, have lost it for life But Esther contested hundreds of years ago, yet we are still talking about her. Her participation in the parade was just the beginning, the purpose of it as a daughter of God was for her to be in power to preserve the people of God. Assuming Esther was not in power, Haman would have destroyed all that was called Hebrews in Babylon. Esther contested and reign with God. What are those Miss this or that doing today?

If you look at our nation today, everything that is wrong cannot just be corrected with prayers alone, but also your (active) participation. It is not out of place for the people of God to join politics or becoming a member of political party, whether you are aware or not, all Christians are political, lack of active participation is a vote to the devil. God want to be involved in the affairs of any nation, He desired a man after His own heart. When the Israelites requested for a king, God told Samuel to anoint Saul and when he misbehaved, He replaced him with David to let you know God is interested in who rules His own people. Don’t make mistake, he who manages political power controls the economy of a nation; he who controls the economy control the job, the food, the money, and whatever you are looking for as a child of God. You must be part of the governance system of your nation and equally mobilize others to form or to join a party for the purpose of lifting the banner of God and reducing people’s burden. God want to reign through you – Job 34:30.

Word Affirmation: “For he must reign, till He hath put all enemies under His feet." - 1Cor. 15:25 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“Our God is interested in who is at the helm of affairs because He cares about His people, a no participation in politics, a no vote on election day is to cause your prayers unanswered."
Central Truth