Nehemiah though in captivity was comfortable enough to forget the great City of God in ruined as at that time, he was the king’s cupbearer (a place of great trust, as well as of honour and profit). He can decided to have nothing doing with his former state, among the children of the captivity he was on top, living in Shushan the palace where things happened. It is difficult to be in the circle of those who rule the land and still have the audacity to talk against government policies, all what one will be thinking and doing is to find means of advancing his/her cause, but not Nehemiah. When he met with his people, he enquired about the affairs of Jerusalem and was saddened by the report he got.

Do we still have such a man in our days who will neglect his own comfort to look after what are Gods and His people? Do we still have people in the place of power and in public service who can stand for and serve God in all sincerity and truth? Do we still have a people who are ready to not consider their estate and state and look after their nation? Going to heaven does not mean you should neglect your citizenship on earth. Nehemiah was in the palace but never forget his place, he was a cupbearer but never forget the name he bears. No matter where you are and your level of influence and affluence, God place you there to make a difference, never forget God; He made you a nation builder. There is no position you are that you cannot make a difference as an individual, God can use any man who is ready for a just cause. You may be in the kingdom for such a time as this, think.

When God has work to do He will never want instruments to do it with, God can never lack people to do His works. Nehemiah built his own city for God’s sake. What are you doing in building or rebuilding your own nation? Or do you think you have no part to play? Even though our citizenship is of heaven, it is not out of place to take part in governance and participate in the affairs of your nation. He who has political power owns economic power, and he who controls the economy controls the people. Don’t be a slave where you suppose to be the lord. What do you think would happen when it was the saints in Caesar’s house that ruled and reigned with him? A nation will rejoice, flourish and prosper when the righteous rules.

Those to whom God designs to employ in His service He will find out proper ways both to fit for it and to call to it. God still has His remnant in all places; we read of Obadiah in the house of Ahab, saints in Caesar's household, and a devout Nehemiah in Shushan the palace. So never take God for granted, He can make the courts of princes sometimes nurseries and sometimes sanctuaries to the friends and patrons of the church's cause. Let those who are forming any good designs for public service take God along with them for the first conception of them, and utter all their projects before Him; this is the way to prosper in them. It is not enough to take the oath of office, but to act the oath with the fear of God.

Word Affirmation: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." – Psalm 122:6 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“No matter where you are and your level of influence and affluence, God place you there to make a difference, never forget God; He made you a nation builder."