A drop of water, a grain of sand—how apparently insignificant! Yet, without them there would be no earth. Our world is made up of so many undeniably little things. But little things, like the molecule and the atom, make up the big things. Jesus lingered on little things. Little Zacchaeus caught the eye of the Master. Jesus said, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven!” He also said, “Whosoever shall offend one of these little ones!” A lad with a few loaves and fishes at the hand of Jesus fed thousands. Jesus used little things for the vivid visual aids which He used to illustrate the approaching kingdom of God. Think of His teachings: a barn swallow—“The fowls of the air”; a lowly flower among the blades of grass—“Consider the lilies of the field”; a single human hair—“The very hairs of your head are all numbered!”
Some things, true enough, are “mighty little” but some little things are ever so mighty! Words are little things, but what potent power for good or evil! A note or a momentary phone call to a person who is ill can brighten and actually transform an entire day! Is prayer a little thing? The God of the entire universe is listening to our words of prayer. How then is it little? Yet not even the neighbour next door knows we are talking to Him. In prayer God, the Father, fulfils His promise to come and meet with His beloved children
Every rain that falls, falls only one drop at a time. Every tear that falls is singular in its simple descent. Yet together the tears tell of the dynamic emotions of the human heart! A handclasp is a little thing; yet it says more than ten preachers in their eloquent appeal. The fond embrace of two lovers means more in a moment than six extended months of daily exchange of letters. The statement “We understand,” when meant and effectively communicated, towers above the pretentious words of all the friends of suffering Job.
The total populace, from Adam to the last man to draw breath, will appear at judgment one at a time. Sinners have been coming to the Lord for centuries from every corner of the earth, but they have come one at a time through the endless lines which have formed before the blood-stained cross. On the cross, they crucified man’s greatest Friend. He being only one, yet the One through whom the entire world has since been called, one at a time, to life everlasting. “Just as I am, without one plea” are little words, but they speak of a mighty commitment. Though the quantity of some blessings be small, the effect is beyond words, for genuine quality often comes wrapped in small packages. The sagacious goodness of God, like the ties that support the never ending railroad rails, comes to us moment by moment. Do the little things as you go out today, it makes a difference.
Word Affirmation: My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me – Daniel 6:22 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Some things, true enough, are “mighty little” but some little things are ever so mighty!”
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