God commanded Moses to send spies to search the land of Canaan, the Promised Land, to know its state and possibly to stir up the faith of the people in the “I AM”. These men travelled and returned in forty days, brought the actual reports of the land (as I refrain to say they brought evil report), for they did not go beyond the term of reference in their report (see Numbers 13:18-20). They obeyed all rules and even followed through the normal route Moses commanded, they missed no mark. But their sin was when ten of them pronounced the people less able and talking ill of the land as a place that eats up its inhabitants. To the ten spies, the land is impossible to conquer and it became also impossible for them and the rest to enter into the Promised, for they all perished in the wilderness of unbelief.
To God, nothing shall be impossible to those who believe. Have you stayed long in the wilderness of waiting to now believe that you cannot achieve your goal or it is too late? What are you seeing? Who do you believe? Whose report are you reading or listening to? Do you still see impossibilities where God sees possibilities? The reality may not be the same with the Word of God, but what do you believe? People’s report or God’s? Yes, no one has ever seen God, but by faith men have conquered territories. And you claim you believe, but there is no result so far. Yes, lack of result does not deny the possibility of the promise. Faith is not ignoring fact; it’s knowing the fact and make your mind up to act against it. Seeing on the other hand is the final outcome of looking, for you can look and do not see; but it is impossible to see without looking. Seeing is your conclusion, what you spot about a particular situation.
In our today’s world, I do not think anybody should believe nothing is impossible. The world had been conquered already, so whatever that seems left whether personal or collective is just a matter of summoning courage and act accordingly. What is it that you are looking for that you think it is impossible? Whatever you can see and enjoy around was once impossible. What is it that God promised you and you think it will never come to pass. Maybe you are looking at your age and you think you are not going to survive the situation, I am informing you this day, it is possible. Do you see yourself as a grasshopper or as somebody who is equal to the task no matter the molestation? You are not born again to be discouraged but to be courageous and bold. You are born to conquer, born to succeed.
The Israelites had the manifest and sensible tokens of God's presence with them, and the engagement of his power for them. Yes, the Canaanites were stronger than Israel, but were they stronger than the God of Israel? They said, “We are not able to deal with them”, but is God Almighty NOT able? Didn’t they have Him in their midst? Didn’t He go before them? And is anything too hard for Him? Were we as grasshoppers before the giants, and are not they less than grasshoppers before God? Their cities are walled against us, but can they be walled against heaven? Were not the Egyptians as much stronger than they as the Canaanites were? And yet, without a sword drawn by Israel or a stroke struck, the chariots and horsemen of Egypt were quite routed and ruined. They could absolutely rely on God’s Promises to their forefathers, to them and to Moses their commander-in-chief (Gen. 15:8, 17:8, Ex. 33:2) that he would drive out the Canaanites from before them but they refused to see the possibility of conquering the land. Has God promise to give you a future, only believe for it is impossible for Him to lie.
Word Affirmation: The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him - Nahum 1:7 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Difficulties that lie in the way of salvation dwindle and disappear before a lively active faith in the power and promise of God. All things are possible, if they be but promised, to him that believes.”