Having a right instruction to back up an action is victory assured. The question is, “Who or what is backing your steps or the actions you are taking? On whose commandment or direction are you doing that which you are doing? The reason for failure is lack of godly direction. The battle of life is not won, not because men refuses to act, but that man refuses to act obediently to right or godly instruction. The people of Judah were confronted with a battle, about five kingdoms came against the city, Jehoshaphat and his men did not know what to do except to gather an army. Having an army do not necessary win a war, having a strategy, instruction to follow by an army wins a war.

Jehoshaphat gathered his army like that of his opposition, opposition strategy was to fight with their battalions, but Jehoshaphat knew having an army alone does not give victory, having a right instruction do. He and the people of Judah ran to God in prayers and prophesy to not be afraid, to go out and standstill came. Because Jehoshaphat understood importance of instruction, he urged his people the following morning to believe in God’s instruction winning their battle. And when they did, instead of assemble an army for war, he assembled an army of choristers, he trusted in the direction of God, he won the battle on the account of God’s instruction and none of them was destroyed because of instruction.

How are you fighting your life’s battle? With your own wisdom or strategy? You cannot win by your own degree, but by God’s decree. All what you need to ask for is God’s instruction concerning your matter. The Israelites got to the Promised Land by instructions, the surest route to Canaan would take them only 40 days but it is possible for them not to get there hence the need for God to take them through another route. What is God saying concerning a matter matters a lot. The reason why you are in that your state is because God is yet to speak, ask Him for what to do and how to do it and you will realize you are free indeed.

By instruction, a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets was delivered from shame and debt (2 Kings 4); by instruction, the eyes of a man born blind was restored (John 9) and by instruction, Naomi guided Ruth unto her destiny (Ruth 3). Many lives has been wasted and destroyed because they refused to hearken to instructions. Obedient or disobedient to one instruction or the other lead to where you are today. Can you take a time off what you are doing presently and retrospect? What is lacking in your life? Where did you miss it? If you are living in a location that is not back up by instruction, you are already dislocated; and no good things can be received by such a life. The man or woman you will marry must come by instruction, if not, such a (wo)man’s destiny will be marred for life. Receive the grace to live and walk by God’s instruction.

Word Affirmation: “Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase." – Psalms 85:12 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“What is God saying concerning a matter matters a lot."