By coping with success, David was able to stay in power for forty years and operated in the offices of a king, a priest and a prophet. We learnt he never forgets the One who gave him victory and he was a great administrator in the way he arranged his aides. Let us look at some other qualities that made David to cope with success:
3. David had time for reflection. About ten years had passed since David was crowned king by all Israel. His empire was established and flourishing; his government was organized and functioning. His thoughts turned to a valiant soldier, the prince of all Israel who had been his friend, the one totally unselfish love he would ever know - and he remembered a promise made more than two decades before (see 1 Samuel 20:14, 15, 17). He fulfilled the promise to Jonathan’s son named Mephiboseth, crippled both feet” (2 Samuel 9:3). Kindness has a way of blessing us more than it does those to whom we show kindness.
4. In humiliation David refrained himself from acting silly. In being a fair king, he wanted to show kindness but in return his men were humiliated (2 Samuel 10:4), David refrained himself until he learnt the Ammonites were preparing for battle against him. All issue does not need your opinion, learn, and think before you talk or react to issues.
5. David attacked the attackers. You must stop the enemy before they stop your destiny. David endured the humiliation but did not accept the incursion of his territory by the enemies. You may shift ground to your enemy when he want your cloak (to fulfill all righteousness), but when he want your life, it is left to you to do the needful, defend your destiny. Great men in the Old Testament became great by fighting, fight the good fight where necessary. Yes, the battle is the Lord but when you cannot condone certain things anymore in your life, take the battle to the camp of the enemy in the name of the Lord. That’s not unchristian.
Word Affirmation: I shall weep no more – Isaiah 30:19 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Kindness has a way of blessing us more than it does those to whom we show kindness.”
Central Truth