God's intention is for the Christian life to be rich and full - abundant (John 10:10) but so much of life seems to be dull. We merely exist as we muddle through one day to the next, wishing in silent desperation for some change for the better. We long for someone or something to breathe life into us and those around us. How can we develop a real life? The life that is full, overflowing, and abundant. Life with meaning! Vibrant and exciting living.
1. A FRESH START (1 Peter 1:3) - All face the death of sin (Ephesians 2:1). All have sinned and face its wages (Romans 3:23;6:23). The problem, too often, is that we do not realize what sin is (1 John 3:4; 5:17). There is no room for self-justification (1 John 1:5-10).We need a fresh start, a new beginning. We are generated by God’s grace and mercy because we do not deserve it (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 2:11). God has begotten us (1 Peter 1:22,23; John 3:3-5). This means we get new life (Romans 6:3, 4; 2 Corinthians 5:17). We are justified in the name of Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). A new life gives us a living hope. A hope to anchor us (Hebrews 6:19, 20) and to keep us moving forward in the face of insurmountable difficulty.
2. SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO - A full life is tied to our inheritance (1 Peter1:4). Life down here on earth is great. We do not want to lose it. But the greater benefit is eternal life. These treasures slip away, eternal treasures do not (Matthew 6:19-21). Glory is reserved in heaven for you! A great deal about heaven we do not comprehend. We cannot comprehend streets of gold and gates of pearl. But we know it is where God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the righteous people of all ages will be. The fact that we have a place in it gives us a better view of life and a better handle on the things which happen day by day.
3. SOMETHING TO LEAN ON - A full life comes only as we lean on God’s power (1 Peter 1:5). Two sides must be seen to salvation (Ephesians 2:8, 9). Grace is God’s part; faith is man’s part. Two sides also exist to Christian living (Philippians 2:12, 13). We must workout our own salvation. God also works in us. There are even two sides to faithfulness. God keeps us (John 10:27-29), and we keep ourselves in His care (1 John 1:7; 2 Peter 1:5-9; Jude 4). God will do His part. Will we do ours?
4. SOMETHING TO REJOICE ABOUT - A full life is not a pampered life (1 Peter 1:6-9). We will have trials, but our perspective is right so we are able to rejoice in them. Trials serve to try our faith. Genuine faith comes out to the praise, honor, and glory of God. Our faith brings a joy beyond expression. The goal of it all is our salvation in glory. Salvation is used in two ways. It is present (Matthew 16:15, 16; 1 Peter3:21) and ultimate (1 Peter 1). Life can never be full and abundant without Christ (Ephesians 2:12). Is your life right with Him?
Word Affirmation: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee - Isa 60:1 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Life can never be full and abundant without Christ (Ephesians 2:12). Is your life right with Him?”
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