Do you want to live and experience endless possibilities? Here is what possibility stands for:
P – PROBLEM: Problem is a stepping stone to any great achievement. There is nothing you can become on this earth unless you are ready to solve a problem. God does not do the impossible for pleasure, but for work. What problem are you ready to solve. Problems around you are the raw materials to manufacture your own possibilities. Impossibility is NOT a problem, it is hopelessness and most times, problem exists because of lack of hope. You don’t need to complain about any problem around you, all you need doing is to sit down, research the problem(s), layout plans to solve it even when you think you have nothing to provide the solution. This will even give you an opportunity to pray right prayers. The Bible says, “Watch and Pray”, but it is a pity that many of us pray without watching. Anyone that wants to make it in this life must be a man that observes a lot, observation is a key ingredient in living in endless possibility. As far as you can see, says the Lord. Adversity in our lives and businesses are not to break us, but to make us. It is not that God cannot do the impossible in the immediate, but He wants you to learn something. Nothing can hinder God, it is not that He cannot do that wish you think or ask immediately, but He wants to take you through a process of learning. Problem is to bring out your potentials, until you see problem and solve it, possibility becomes a daydream. When Gideon experienced his own country’s problem, he became a man who threshed wheat by winepress.
O – OPPORTUNITY: Opportunity abounds in problems. Crisis means opportunity plus danger. In the land of Egypt, ahead of time, Joseph saw an opportunity during famine period Pursuing after opportunity, whether to improve yourself or to make a living will lead you into the realm of possibilities, Philip followed Jesus because He had seen a Messiah. What you see depend on where you stand. You need a sharp eye and mind to see where opportunity lies, opportunity disguise itself many times as problems. Problem and opportunity are twin, it depend on which one you see. In the beginning, the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, yet God said, let there be light and there was light. God saw opportunity in problems. In the land of famine, Isaac saw an opportunity to sow. No matter how hard the situation in any country, there are still plenty opportunities to explore, laws, policies, programmes, environment and problems create opportunities. You should ask yourself, how can I see opportunity? Pray to God to open your eyes to the opportunities and possibilities around you. Until the Angel of the Lord reset Gideon’s mindset, he had formed a negative opinion about God, asking why the situation was so tensed against his nation if truly God is with them. In the midst of everything certain experiences might seem tragic, but as time passes we might realize they were, in fact, useful lessons. The only difference between opportunities and problems stands in your perception. In other words, it depends on our mindset. An-opportunity-in-every-problem thinking opens us to the possibilities the problem presents. It awakens us, opens our eyes, broadens our scope or vision, and stimulates our minds to look for ways to transform the problem into an opportunity.
Word Affirmation: When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person - Job_22:29. (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“The only difference between opportunities and problems stands in your perception. In other words, it depends on our mindset.”
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