God’s power and ability is unlimited and He has no limitation and no boundary. In the pages of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, He has not done anything normal. He does the impossible, the miraculous. There is nothing He cannot do. He can save anybody, heal any sickness, meet all needs and turn any situation around. He can bring something out of nothing and make nobody somebody. From the acts of creation to parting the red sea, to sending manna from heaven, virgin woman giving birth to a Saviour to raising up of the dead and many more, you will realize that our God specializes in the impossible. Have you asked for anything from God and it seems impossible, maybe it is too normal for Him to do. Ask Him for the abnormal, believe strongly that He can do it and see Him in a bigger way (Matthew 14:25, 28).
Do you need deliverance? He delivered His Own from the land of bondage with ten plagues. Are you living a retrogressive life? You can do catch up with those ahead, because He can lead you with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night. Never use your brain to calculate God, He is too much. He turned a woman termed barren to mother of children. You do things by works, He does things by Words. There is a way everywhere for Him, He can choose to pass through fire or walk on the water. He doesn’t do anything normal; you will have to adjust your mentality to meet up with His great ability. He is the Almighty, God is His name and without Him there was nothing that was and will be made.
God doesn’t operate the way we do, His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways may not make sense to us but with Him the impossible becomes possible. There is no impossibility in His dictionary. To receive from Him, you must believe that He is and live not by what you see, but by what you believe. Faith doesn’t ignore the fact, faith knows the fact but chooses to believe God and what He says rather than what the circumstances say. Therefore, do not limit God in your life by your lack of faith. The only thing that limits God is a lack of faith. Whatever you want God to do in your life could be hindered by unbelief.
Word Affirmation: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me - Philippians 4:13. (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Whatever you want God to do in your life could be hindered by unbelief.”
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