There are many people who found, did and lived the Will of God in the Bible, for example, Abraham lived through the will of God. He left his family to an unknown location, he waited many years to receive his heir and when he stepped out of God’s will, he fell for the gimmick of the devil putting his generations in danger. Jesus left His throne in Heaven to carry the sins of the entire world, He always made references to God in all that He did, His mission is to show God and His glory. What is your own mission, to reveal self or God’s glory? A genuine son of his father can only receive what was written in his father’s will. Are you living your life as it is written in Heaven?

God’s will is made known with certain boundaries, but within those boundaries freedom of movement is allowed. One may choose to eat only vegetables; the other may think meats are fine, both are the servants of the Lord, Your goals need to be biblically endorsed. They cannot be outside the realm of God’s moral will (Ephesians 5:1-14). We should also seek wisdom in determining even the lawful things that we can do. Often we are presented with several good and moral choices, each of which could bring happiness and glory to God. Which would be the best choice? A number of passages declare that we should ask and use wisdom from above (Ephesians 5:15-17; James 1:5, 6; 3:13-18).

Closely tied to wisdom is prayer (James 4:2). Someone has wisely written, “Prayer is like a clean windshield when you are seeking God’s will. It allows you to see the road and the sign ahead without distortion or distraction.” Paul says that God helps us in our search for doing His will through His personal indwelling (Philippians 2:13). He allows us to trust in Him. Every act of obedience is proof of God’s personal involvement in our lives (Romans 8:5-8). I demonstrate faith when I consciously obey what I understand of God’s moral will and seek to apply the principles of God’s Word to my decisions. I express trust when I take God seriously at His word and when I understand that God intends that decisions within the area of freedom are to be made by me.

Word Affirmation: “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." - Psalm 40:2 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“A genuine son of his father can only receive what was written in his father’s will."