No one can buy God; He is not even for sale. You cannot keep God by your good deed neither can you pocket Him by your offerings. Holiness is good, He (God) wants us to be holy but to receive any good and perfect gift from Him, you must receive it by faith. God’s mercy, peace, blessings, joy, salvation and grace are free and never can you do anything enough to earn or deserve them. On the Cross of Calvary, Jesus paid the one and only price that you and I can never pay to provide the free gifts to enjoy. You just simply have to receive them!
Do you desire Power and Fire of the Holy Ghost, God gave it free on the Day of Pentecost, He gave it free to the Household of Cornelius and many more even when they are yet to be baptised. Christianity is not a religion, for the fact that every step to take for life is in the Bible does not make your journey a tradition or ritual that you must perform everyday. Salvation is not by works. You can purchase anything and everything free from the supermarket of God, though those gifts has price tags, but when you come to God in faith and you believe with all your heart and love God with all your soul (intellects and emotions), you will definitely receive all you requested free of cost. You do not have to labour for it, for by strength shall no man prevail.
Simon wanted to buy the gift of God; he offered the Apostles money in order to have a taste of what they possessed and what he could obtain for free. If you are truly a follower of Christ, get your motive right. Philip, Peter, John and other disciples were with Jesus for over a three year before they could perform such a miracle. Elisha did not wake up one day to start performing miracles with double portions of anointing, he served Elijah. It is an irony for certain people to offer money to people to fast on their behalf or get prayer contractors when they have free access to obtain what they need from God. God is not for sale, He will behave to you the way you do. You do not participate in Bible studies, revival hour, Sunday school class and all what you do is to offer money when it is needed; you are only deceiving yourself. God want a relationship and not a committee meeting. Your heart must be right with God, you can give God your soul and your body but if you fail to release your heart unto Him, you are far from His Kingdom.
Check your heart, release it to God and go to Him in prayers, repent, don’t just regret your evil ways and be ready to settle down with God. You can do greater works that Jesus promised if you will come to Him in faith and pay the price of obedience, study of His Words and act in faith, you can obtain everything free (Isaiah 52:3; 55:1).
Word Affirmation: “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." - Dan 2:44 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Christianity is not a religion, for the fact that every step to take for life is in the Bible does not make your journey a tradition or ritual that you must perform everyday."