Everybody’s achievement should NOT be your vision. Be warned! We live in a dangerous time when people’s achievements are now becoming somebody’s vision. Poverty in the land is not due to laziness or lack of time but availability of people running (by ruining) other people’s vision. Everybody wants to become CEO. People want to make money at all cost, I am an entrepreneur is now their slogans. And ask, what are they doing? They cannot defend it because it was copied, maybe a friend told such about his vision and accomplishments but instead of such to support or find a way to partner with his friend so as to develop the vision together, he will not even give an advise, before you know he will go and start something (his friend’ achievement). He will be boasting around, I will soon blow. Yes, he will soon blow away!

The reason why many pray amiss or not seeing results for their spiritual activities and efforts in their businesses is not far-fetched, it is because the vision they invest their time in is someone’s achievement. They just hear that so, so and so person is making it and the next thing is to duplicate the vision, duplicate his achievements and create a hindrance on the genuine owner of the vision’s way. They are not succeeding and the one who owns the vision is not. Are you such? Do you indulge in duplicating people’s achievement and turn it to your vision. If you want to prosper in this new month, you must stop and start praying to God to get your own vision or be ready to use your skill to uplift other people’s vision(s) in order for you to achieve your purpose.

Your glory may shine by working for other people, because we are empowered with different skills and abilities and it is possible to get to the pick of your career or succeed greatly by working for other people. But in a situation whereby you do not have principle and integrity, you left where you are working to start similar business. Sooner or later, you will receive your reward. Stop cheating yourself. Peter was a professional fisherman, a CEO but did not succeed until he met with Christ and the later called him into His business. Immediately he surrendered to the instruction of his Master, he caught great multitude of fishes, such that he had not gotten before. What he had used his entire life to struggle for and couldn’t get, he got it within twenty-four hours of leaving his business (his father’s achievements as a fisherman) to work under somebody as an apprentice.

Do you want to reach your goal in time? Check what you do whether it is of God or from your own selfishness. Have a great day!

Word Affirmation: “Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. " - Isaiah 41:11 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“The reason why many pray amiss or not seeing results for their spiritual activities and efforts in their businesses is not far-fetched, it is because the vision they invest their time in is someone’s achievement.”

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