The last letter in the word, DIRECTION stands for NETWORK. It means your association, people you associate with. Show me your friends and I tell your direction, your end. Who are in your association? Who are in your circle? Do they have the capacity to tow you to right destination when you breakdown along the way? If you have more capacity than all your friends, you need to look out for more people who have greater capacity than you in every facet of life. You are a truck owner and the only people you are moving with are the ones that own small cars, the day your truck break down that’s the day you will pay for your ignorance. David was able to make connection with Jonathan, despite that Jonathan was the next to kingship, he saved David from destruction. You need to have men like Jonathan in your circle, those that will help your vision, not the ones that will kill it. It is not the type that wants to be your superior all the time. As a child of God, learn from Jesus, when He wanted to choose His association, he selected from different fields. Make friends beyond your level, it is called network, net that works. If it is not working, it is not a network, it doesn’t worth it. Friends that sticks like brothers, that’s what you need.
Endeavour to make your friends ahead of time, before you need them. Friendship can reduce cost and burden, whatever you pay much for, it is because no friend of yours is selling it. A look at salvation, assuming that we are not friends with Jesus, by now, we will still be paying heavily for our sins; but our association with Jesus take away our sins. When was the last time you attend a conference, a seminar or a workshop; you do not just go to learn in an event, you go there to make friends too. Do you attend focused event in your field? As a barrister, you do not deem it fit to attend events organized by your association, such is dying gradually. Relationship is money. Jesus would have paid heavily at anytime He visited Jerusalem but He had made friends ahead of time. He had homes in Bethany; the house of Simon the leper, Martha and Mary were there for Him to lodge.
Many people are outside God’s will today by the kind of friends they keep, the type of book they read, the type of movies they watch. You are in communication, in agreement with whatever you keep, read and watch. The question you should be asking is: “What kind of friends do I keep?” The answer to that question should fall in line with what you value most — the friends with whom you get along best, those you feel close connections to, those who make you feel that you matter, the people who make you feel understood, those who will be there when you need them, and those you can trust with your most intimate secrets. These are the qualities of a good friend. If you happen to meet and befriend people like these, you shouldn’t lose them. These are the kinds of friendships you should keep and maintain. Are you a friend with God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God? You will need these people more than you need earthly men, they know more than all your friends combined and that’s where you need to begin your relationship.
Word Affirmation: “And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them." - Isaiah 65:21 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Whatever you pay much for; it is because no friend of yours is selling it."