Equally, employees have responsibilities to render to the following:
1. To his employer – The following New Testament teaching can be applied to the employee/employer relationship. (1) It teaches workers to show respect to employers and not to argue with them or steal from them. (Not doing the work one is paid to do is stealing from the employer.) (2) Christians are to be submissive and obedient to employers, even if those employers are unfair (1 Peter 2:18). (3) Paul said to work heartily for an employer, as if working for Jesus Christ Himself (Ephesians 6:7).
Does the fact that the Christian employee is to work hard and obey his employer mean that he can never, for example, join a union, ask for a raise, or seek better working conditions? No. The employee has options that a slave did not have in New Testament times. Today, one who does not like the way he is treated at work can quit his job and find other employment. Nevertheless, the Christian employee should work hard and be loyal to his boss as long as he remains in his employ.
2. To Christ - The Bible teaches us to choose work that is honest - Colossians 3:17. Sometimes young people are urged to become pastors or missionaries (or the wives of pastors or missionaries). Indeed, it is a noble choice to be a full-time missionary, teacher, or pastor. However, the concept of Christian vocations is not limited to full-time work in the church. Any honest occupation in which we serve wholeheartedly can glorify God. We should choose our work on the basis of the abilities, wills and opportunities God gives us. Christian doctors, farmers, and teachers can serve Christ by working to benefit others and glorify God.
As Christian workers, we ought to keep our relationships with Christ in the forefront of our minds. Wherever we work, we are working for Christ. We must be concerned about doing what is right in the appropriate way, to “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour” (Titus 2:10). We should look for opportunities to use our work and the contacts we make at work to spread the Word of God and influence others for good. When we are not only hardworking but also kind and courteous to everyone—when we set good examples for fellow employees in honesty, pure language, helpfulness, and generosity—we are letting our lights shine so that others will see our good works and glorify God (Matthew 5:16). Rather than being competitive at work, we are to encourage our fellow workers.
3. To Self and Others - We are to provide for ourselves and our families (1 Timothy 5:8) and be reasonable to prepare for the future, not to be a burden on others (2 Thess 3:8b).
Word Affirmation: The LORD shall cause MINE enemies that rise up against ME to be smitten before MY face - Deuteronomy 28:7 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“As Christian workers, we ought to keep our relationships with Christ in the forefront of our minds.”
Central Truth