Christianity is “Come and See” and “Not come and be explained to. You only need to live and behave your Christianity, not to just become it. You cannot be explaining your Christianity and people still believe in you. What is wrong with Nazareth during the time of Jesus? Why Nathanael would say, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Perhaps, due to lack of God’s Word in the land for four centuries, so everybody then was living the way they liked. Nathanael and Philip were devoted Jews, which means they knew and obey the Laws of Moses and the Prophets before Jesus found them. It is possible Nazarenes no longer patterned their lives after God hence Nathanael saying can anything good come out of that place. When it comes to generating something good, godly and righteous; to Nathanael, Nazareth was a forgotten village.
Christ’s beloved, the way you are running your own kind of Christianity, can anything good comes out of it? Can anything good come of your Christianity with no reading and studying of Scriptures, with no straightforward movement and with your appearance and dressing defer from that of a Christian? Can anything good come out of your Christianity when your passion for entertainment and things of the world are more than the love and service of God? The way you are living your life, can God profit from you? Can people follow you to your Christ? Remember, Christianity is “Come and See, not, “Go and See”; but, “Come, and I will go along with you. If anything good will come, you must pattern your life according to Christ, not according to your own pattern. You must follow Christ, walk and work like Him. Your focus must be on Jesus the Lord and Saviour and you must be ready to obey and do His will. You cannot dress like masquerade and expect to dance in the church, if you are allowed and you think you are on your way to paradise, you are parading yourself for a disaster waiting to happen. Do not forget the Angel of God is still by the gate of the Garden of Eden, He will deny anyone that his/her life is not the same with the description of the bride. The nature of true Christianity are following Christ, devoting ourselves to His converse and conduct, attending His movements, and treading in His steps. Do you have it?
Can Jesus confirm your person in Him? Jesus confirmed the person of Nathanael, He said, Nathanael was an Israelite indeed. What a commendation! Jesus saw Nathanael as a sincere follower of the good example of Israel, whose character it was that he was a plain man, a sincere professor of the faith of Israel; he was true to the religion he professed, and lived up to it: he was really as good as he seemed, and his practice was of a piece with his profession. He is the Jew that is one inwardly (Romans 2:29), so is he the Christian. He is one in whom is no guile - a Christian indeed: no guile towards men; a man without trick or design; a man that one may trust; Jesus did not say without guilt, but without guile. Though in many things he is foolish and forgetful, yet in nothing false, nor wickedly departing from God: there is no allowed approved guilt in him; not painted, though he have his spots: “Behold this Israelite indeed.” “Take notice of him, that you may learn his way, and do like him.” Can this be your own description? The choice is yours.
Word Affirmation: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open." – John 1:51 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“ Christianity is “Come and See” and “Not come and be explained to. You only need to live and behave your Christianity, not to just become it. "