When a man aims right in life, nothing can stop him except the power in his inside. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God knew you and anointed you as great instrument for the nations. Unto the world a son is given and the kingdom, the government is on your shoulder. When you are born as a child, you are only growing into becoming what God has ordained for you and in no time you will surely come to be.
Jesus was conceived by the help of the Holy Spirit, he grew in favour and in stature with God and men. He at one time declared His purpose by the Spirit (See Luke 4:18-20). A Man was presented to the world in Jesus, likewise you have been offered to your world to do great exploits. Nevertheless, there will be opposition; to oppose your position in life which is normal and natural. There are forces in your environment (family, community, office, church, policies, laws, etc) WHO will contend with what has been written concerning you. They are personalities (See Romans 8:31-39). Your problem is a matter of whom, not what.
These personalities know the plan and purpose of God concerning you, they were told in the spirit realm to behold the man, he is going to save his people from destruction, but they will never agree until they are humbled. Therefore, they will do everything and anything possible to truncate the plan of God. You might be wondering that the more you pray the more it seems the battle increases. It is because the enemies do not want to behold the man, they are not ready to see the person that God had made, it is contrary to their wishes.
You remember Joseph, when he was sent to give his brethren food, something they all need to survive with. Their father sent Joseph take victuals, food, water and meat; something essential for their journey and growth; a man was carrying solutions to their problems yet when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him. And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams. If you ask the enemy why they antagonize you, they have no cogent reason; they only want to contend with the purpose of God for your life, they did not want to behold the man.
When it comes to matter of destiny, everybody is a suspect. Concerning Jesus, it was the Chief Priest who knew the law, the Word of God; he knew where Jesus was born and what would become of Him. Be careful beloved with people whom you tell your story. If God open your eyes, it will shock you who is behind your life’s challenge. Friends today can become enemies tomorrow; therefore know what you share about your life.
However, enemy cannot stop the plan of God for your life if you are with God, if you are with Jesus. If you make Christ your Lord and Saviour, no matter their numbers your victory is sure. They may not want to accept to behold the man now, but something greater will soon fall on them, and they will be astonished and perplexed. Enemies may do all what they like, pushing you here and there, but it has never come to their understanding and that’s one of the greatest secret in life that they, their rages and warfare are to push the man into his destiny.
Jesus was to be crucified, he was tortured, scourged, frustrated, humiliated, a crown of thorn was placed on Him; hey! Look at your King, behold the man. But He said, He’s going to become a King, let him. But at this time, Jesus was not having a crown of gold, but a crown of thorn See the dreamer, we will see how his dream will come to pass. The same is happening in our lives today, many of us are tired of prophecies and promises, because it is otherwise that happens, some have even doubted God. Beloved, it happens to Jesus. Enemies made jest of Him, but did this stop Jesus’ destiny? Let’s meet tomorrow to see whether the enemy can stop the destiny of a Child of God. Your victory is surely sure.
Word Affirmation: When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell - Psalm 27:2. (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“When it comes to matter of destiny, everybody is a suspect."