To win in life, you must have aim and aimed right. What do you set your sight on? Whatever you aim you claim. What is your intention? Your intention commands your attention. What you are experiencing now has been what you have been seeing with your inner eyes. You are what you see. What you look at is what you give birth to. What object, destination or target are you aiming at will determine your lots in life. Your aim in life matter a lot, it determines what answer you get even when you pray. What are you pointing at? What is your direction or what are you directing your thought towards? What do you focus on? What do you have the intention of achieving. What do you aspire to become? What’s your pursuit in life? What you have designed to accomplish? What do you want from life? What is your purpose or your goal in life? What do you desire? Is your aim perfect?
You can alter your DNA or your plan by whatever you focus on. Anyman can alter his destiny by the activities he performs with his eyesight both inner and outer. You might allow anything to happen to you in whatever guise but never allow anything to puncture or alter your imagination. Whatever you see you become. Your spirit of imagination must not be hindered so as to become what God want you to become. You can alter your life by what you watch.
Laban, Jacob’s wicked uncle had changed his wages ten times in the last twenty years, his intention was to send Jacob back to his father’s house empty, but something striking happened in the passage will read today. We all know that all animals, birds and human beings give birth to their kinds. But when Jacob determined what type of wages he will come to him, Laban removed the kind of cattle and set three days journey between Jacob and himself. His belief was there is no way the cattle would give birth to any other type since he had removed the ringstraked, speckled, and spotted cattle from the fold. No matter what, the cattle will give birth to their kind.
However, by revelation Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white appear which was in the rods. And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that they should conceive when they came to drink. And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted. By placing the white strakes in front of those strong cattle while they met, Jacob alter the species and DNA of those cattle, because while the cattle were meeting, it attention or it eyes were on the white strakes in front of it, it conceived what it saw and gave birth to it. The cattle are no longer seen their DNA but the white strakes. No matter how you claim to be a child of God as long as you see less of you, you may lose the birthright.
You cannot have anything less than what you focus on. You can only claim what you aimed at. You will surely become what you see regularly. Imagination is image in action and anything you have conceived will surely become reality. Be careful what you imagine. Anything on earth is formed from the heart, it is in our hearts that we give images to our thoughts and once it is conceived, no power can alter it, it must surely come to pass. Laban thought he had removed all the spotted and speckled cattle, he never knew that even though the cattle can give birth to their kind because of their DNA, the DNA can be altered by what they see.
Word Affirmation: The arrow of the LORD'S deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them – 2 Kings 13:17 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Never allow the devil to alter your DNA with what you see, set your affection on things in Heaven, of God and things positive. Whatever you see, you become."