Before you build your house, build your business and before you have a home ensure you have a source of income. Speaking in tongues alone will not pay house rent. If you are seeing a future wife do you also see a responsibility. Being called a father or a mother is not a title; it is purely a huge responsibility. Solomon in his own wisdom advised us to build our businesses before we think of building our houses or making a home.
Amplified version of Proverb 24:27 says, “[Put first things first.] Prepare your work outside and get it ready for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house and establish a home” - Proverbs 24:27 AMPC. Love fades when there is no money, Bible called a man that cannot provide for his household an infidel, a denial of faith. God has stopped the business of building an empire and ask someone to come and be an overseer, He met regret in Adam.
In Genesis 8:22, He re-made His plan and pronounced seedtime and harvest. Beloved, if you do not sow, do not expect a harvest. You must find something doing (work), there are great opportunities in working apart from earning a salary. At work you develop skills, bond with others, gain experience and build career for yourself. Before you think of getting married, get an income; and before you think of building a house, get a job except you want to make business out of the house.
Solomon himself has businesses in which he employed people and made himself rich, he did not just relied on kingship alone the way believers rely on miracles today. Hear him, “Solomon had a vineyard at Baal Hamon. He put men in charge of the vineyard. Each man brought in grapes worth 1000 shekels of silver. Solomon, you can keep your 1000 shekels. Give 200 shekels to each man for the grapes he brought. But I will keep my own vineyard” – Songs of Solomon 8:11, 12.
We must like necessaries better than conveniences, and not to waste what we need to spend on our families on frivolous things. We must be contented with the little we have rather than want, or go in debt for convenient meal. Many have ruined their estates and families by laying out money on that which brings nothing in, beginning to build when they were not able to finish.
Word Affirmation:For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth – 1 Kings 17:14 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Before you build your house, build your business, for God has stopped the business of building an empire and ask someone to come and be an overseer, He met regret in Adam.”