What plan do you have for this week? What plan do you have for this year? What is it that you want to do today? Do you have a notepad that you jot down things to do? Do you go along with notepad to write down what you need to do? No matter whom you are: employed, self-employed, unemployed, underemployed, entrepreneurs, pastors, volunteers, artisans, etc you must write down what you need to do daily and follow it if you want to have desired results. You cannot claim you have plant your seed and you do not go to farm to weed, clear the ground and expect harvest. Surely there will be a harvest; you will harvest the unwanted visitors, bush rats and weeds.

How many widows have you helped this month? Or how many people have you supported before you can claim to be a child of God? I am a Christian will lead some people to hell. You are a Christian is always better than I am a Christian (James 2:14-18). The Disciples were then called Christians because of their actions, what they exhibited. What character are you exhibiting today that warrant people to call you a child of God? Don’t just pray alone, follow after your prayers. Prayer is not complete until you ask (voice/noise), seek (action) and knock (action).

There was a time I needed to register a company and have thought it through in mine heart and saw what opportunities I could derive from having such company. I had prayed, I had faith that it is possible, but I had no money. There and then I talked to myself, if I have faith what I have done to come back to tell God it cannot be done? I began to enquire and I was told I would need 350,000 Naira to get it register, I had no penny. But it doesn’t stop me not to pursue it. Fortunately, I got a link to an agent. To make the matter worse, he was an unbeliever who doesn’t understand whatever faith I professed. I told him I want to register a company, how much is it going to cost me? He said, just bring the name let start first. He said, do you know how to do this and that? I said, yes; even though I did not know how really. He said fine, and I forwarded the name, he later called me one day (after several months) and said, your certificate of registration is ready. How come? Just like that, I have not pay a dime, I told him I will come, my intention was to see if it is true and if yes, I will beg him to let me make a photocopy and then use the document to raise money.

When I got to his office, he gave me an envelope; low and behold my dream had come to pass. I said, can you please let me make photocopy so as to raise money for this? He said; take it when you have money come and pay. Just like that, beloved, I paid only 70,000 Naira for a process that supposed to cost me 350,000 Naira, guess what I paid the money twice. First time, 20,000 Naira and second time, the remaining balance and I did make the money when I started my business using the certificate.

The hindrance you create in your mind does not exist at all. What you think as obstacles is planted by God to proof your faith. Action clear doubt and reinforce your believe. God does not place His anointing on the hearers; He gives it to the doers without repentance

Word Affirmation: Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert - Isaiah 43:19 (Don't just say it, mean it!)

“Don’t just pray alone, follow after your prayers. Prayer is not complete until you ask (voice/noise), seek (action) and knock (action).