We are going to look at three lessons today, we have already considered about five and hope you are taking practical steps related to knowledge gained:
Lesson 6: Abraham journey for three days before he could get to the place where God told him (Gen 22:4): The journey to Moriah took three days, parallel to the three days Jesus spent in the tomb before his resurrection. Jesus said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” – John 2:19. The soldier carries his rations with him when he has to make a quick march: Let us as Children of God knows that this world is not our home, be ready for the coming of the Saviour. Let not your roots strike deep into this earthly soil, for you must in due time be transplanted; and the more roothold you get to this world, the worse it will be for you. Hold everything with a loose hand.
While you are still on this earth, note that God’s instructions will cost you something. You must make sacrifice, prepare, be ready and be quick to obey His commands. You must be ready to accomplish the goal(s) set before you by God. No matter the situation, entertain no excuse.
Lesson 7: Isaac carried his wood for his burnt offering: Gen 22:6; likewise Jesus Christ His Cross, you too must carry your cross. “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me – Matthew 10:38. Again, He said, “…If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” – Matthew 16:24. You need to put to death your own plans and desires, and turn your life over to Christ and do His will every day. There is no greater joy in life than following Christ every day.
Carrying one’s cross is not about the problem(s) in your life, it is all about dying to self and desires so as to be light and be ready for the task ahead. Likewise, the cross is not a shiny piece of jewelry you put around your neck or put on a church steeple, but rather, it was in the context of following Him, regardless of the cost to our personal lives. Isaac surrender to his father, we must also surrender absolute to the call of the Cross in order to inherit eternal life.
You see, Jesus doesn’t simply call us to believe that He existed, or even to believe that He can save us. He calls on us to commit our whole lives to Him—to trust Him alone for our salvation, and then to follow Him as His disciples. He said, “Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
Lesson 8: The fire in the hand of Abraham still burns even after three days journey (Gen 22:6): Are you still burning for God or a life of sins have quenched His fire? You must be on fire for God. If you have ever gone camping, you will understand how important fire is, most especially in the evening. Campers cook their food with fire, keep warm with it, and use it to provide light. If you're a camper in the middle of the woods, the last thing you want to happen in the evening is for your fire to go out. To be on fire for God, the Truth of God’s Word must be in your mouth, you must mediate therein day and night. The Word of God is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path - Psalm 119:105. You must not forsake the gathering of the saints; this will also keep your fire burning. Do not forget to be a (wo)man of prayer.
“You must be on fire for God.”
Central Truth