Where are you going, really? Are you heading in the right direction? Hagar left her destination, wandering in the desert by the fountain. It is possible to be living in affluence today, things may be rosy and cosy, but if it is not where you suppose to be, you will surely pay the price heavily one day. A life without a vision is nothing more than a mirage. You think you are already there but you do not exist at all. Sarah was trying to give Hagar direction in life but she was visionless, directionless and futureless. Intention alone does not lead to a desired destination.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, revealed the uselessness of life when it is lived on the wrong paths. He explored every type of pleasure, activity, and every type of path. Having intelligence means you know things. Having wisdom means you know what to do in various situations. You can be smart without being wise. The road you’re on determines where you will end up. The directions you face determine what will face you. Your direction, not your intention, determines your destination. When it comes to the rest of our lives, whether it is our family life, financial life, our marital life, the way we raise our kids, our health, or our career life, this same principle applies. In every area of life, my direction, not my intention, determines my destination. For university bound students, for choosing a mate, for choosing friends, for work or play – what is your direction?
For students: if you want good grades but don’t study, what happens? Bad grades. Solomon was standing at a window, looking down at the street. He saw a young man walking the streets heading in the direction of a specific woman’s home, he knew who this woman was, and he knew she was married. And, apparently, he knew that her husband was out of town and that she would be prowling around the street corner, looking for a prey. There was a marked contrast between what this man was expecting to experience and what Solomon knew was in his future. Why? Because the older, wiser man understood from experience where this path would lead to.
The man was preoccupied with what he believed would be an exciting event—a night of passion. But Solomon knew better. This night was not an isolated event disconnected from all the other events in this young man’s life. This night was a step down a path. A path, like all paths, that leads somewhere. This particular path had a predictable destination. He was led astray, all at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, and little knowing it will cost him his life. You can never arrive at a right destination if you follow a wrong path.
Word Affirmation: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way - Psalm 37:23 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“Intention alone does not lead to a desired destination.”
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