MEMORY VERSE: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27

I had listen to different conversations why the doors to our churches were locked and people are not allowed to go in to their churches to pray, some believed if the church is opening, Christians can stay and stop the virus. I believe too! But the problem is how many people are genuinely born again in the church today? In those days, people are genuinely born again and can call fire from heaven, but with the multitude in our churches today, how many are the genuine children of God. A lot of the people in churches today do not have the fear of God, some are coming to the church from their (wo)man or boy/girl friend’s houses and we expect fire to fall, already there is a strange fire in the church. We cannot be deceiving ourselves and expect God to come down, of the various plagues and diseases that has ravaged the world, coronavirus has been the one that has exposed the true state of the church world over. I hope you and I will think about our walk with God so far and amend our ways and put our houses in perfect conditions before it is too late.

Fear has filled every heart and hardly you will see a (wo)man whose mind is at rest at this period, but Christ is saying to you today, let not your heart be troubled, the end is not yet. Throughout history many plagues and diseases have caused fear and death. For example, consider the following outbreaks: The Black Plague, Ebola, SARS, MERS and the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19), Jesus didn’t come back in the past because of these plagues. However, as epidemics including the coronavirus occur more often and become more deadly, we should pay attention as these are warning signs that Jesus is coming back soon.

Do not let your heart be trouble, it is just a sign that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming soon, what should be your concern is to adequately prepare and have extra oil because He may come at the unknown time. So in these trying times, pray and ask God to remove your fear and anxiety; to surround you with His Presence; then take a deep breath and relax, knowing that your life is in the hands of God who created you. In addition to this, be ready.

Jesus and His disciples were walking outside of the temple in Jerusalem when the disciples, in admiration, commented on its beauty. They were shocked to hear Jesus say that the temple would be demolished, the city destroyed, and its people scattered. Jesus’ prediction came true in AD 70 when the Roman armies, led by Vespasian and his son Titus, surrounded Jerusalem and captured it after a terrible five-month siege and the temple was destroyed. The disciples, troubled by Jesus’ words, came to Him privately and asked: “Tell us, when these things will be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus gave several “signs,” or evidences, by which we can know when His coming is near. Other Bible prophecies help fills in the picture, detailing world conditions just before Jesus returns.

I urge you to study today’s text and other Bible references to gain understanding about the time, do not be afraid. Even though it is the beginning of the ending of the world, your Saviour and mine is coming. Halleluyah!

“Do not let your heart be trouble, it is just a sign that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming soon, what should be your concern is to adequately prepare and have extra oil because He may come at the unknown time.”
Central Truth