A good businessman or corporation usually do stock taking at the end of each year, I’ve had several experiences as a central, technical stock keeper in a multinational company several years ago. A good store-keeper do not wait till the end of the year before he ensure his record balance; infact, he make his reports ready monthly and ensure goods received tally with good requested. From experience, getting to the middle of December, the audit department would do a memo to all the departments and ask necessary officers to make their records available at a particular date for scrutiny. It is always a rigorous and energy sapping exercise: checking the records, to looking at the receipts, waybills, invoices and physical goods one after the other and getting a clean bill from the auditors always gladdens my heart.
As a believer, individual or organization, there is a need to take a stock of your life, business, and family, your walk this year, ability, and other areas to know how you felt in the year. You cannot just live your life anyhow; you must know where you are coming from, where you are going and where you are presently. Check to know whether you are making progress or not, check whether your inputs are not more than your outputs. What skills do you added, what friend(s) you made and tally your goals set at the beginning of the year with what you have achieved so far. It is time to sit down and retrospect, does it worth it to continue what you are doing? To make your life better in the new and upcoming year, you must sit down now to take stock of your life, this is very important if you truly want to fulfill purpose in life.
Moses said, “Teach us to number our days”, so that we can be wise and know how to run our life. Time waits for no man, you are giving the time to do something, the most expense resource in the world is not gold or diamond, it is time. What are your goals for the year? Did you achieve it? Look at where you missed it, what can you do about it? Everyday count and you must make it count. You must have a clean record; you must balance your account before you proceed to the New Year. You cannot live your life the way you live it this year and expect different results in the New Year. Something must change if you need a change in your life truly. Your action must change, the friends you move with must change and your spiritual life must change or increase too.
What has been your walk with God this year, improve or cold? Do you have a cordial relationship with God this year? Can you boast of being a child of God? How many hours do you spend in the presence of God this year? How many times did you go to church this year? Or you are only making excuses? It is better to do something significant by taking stock of your life to see whether you are making progress at all. God knows the numbers of the stars and know them by name, how much more you His son/daughter, you must take stock. The items in your record must be the same with what is on the shelf, if you need a pass mark in your stock taking, you prepare ahead of time, document where necessary and never compromise principles set so that you will not be troubled when the Auditor of life call on you to check your life. Do you need a clean bill of health prepare a clean record? You make your job easier and you will never fret when auditor comes.
Word Affirmation: “I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." - Psa 91:2 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“You cannot live your life the way you live it this year and expect different results in the New Year."