Have you seen a child boasting around when his father cajoled him, promise to buy a car for him? You will the child going around telling his friends and those who cares to hear that my daddy will buy me a car with, s/he will be telling his story with all boldness and seriousness. He did not check the person of the one who made the promise whether he even have a bicycle talk less of having a car. He just takes the word like that, believe his father outrightly and never mind the reality. He goes out with a kind of audacity that does not care; my daddy will buy me a car.
When have you with all boldness and confidence take the Word of God the way that child takes the word of his father? Do you want to experience the wonders of God in the remaining days of the year? You must act on the Word of God with boldness and tell the promise of God to whosoever cares. You cannot be reading the Bible, sit down and expect things to work, you must act on the Word received. For three and half years, Elijah ran away from Ahab and return thereafter with courage because he had received the Word from his Father. He brought out 450 prophets of Baal to public ridicule; he openly disgraced them as fire came down from heaven in just one meeting.
Evil, wickedness and corruption pervades our social, economic, political, religion and public lives because we no longer have courageous men who can boldly speak the truth to power. We no longer have men who rely solely on the Word of God for their ministries, businesses, careers and relationships. What we have today are men who rely solely on politicians and special donations. Elijah called the king, prophets of Baal and the entire nation to publicly showcase his God; he was only banking on the Word of God and nothing more. What is keeping you from your breakthroughs is nothing but fear. God can never walk with a coward (Joshua 1:6). When are you going to preach the gospel without fear? As fear is a state of the mind, so is courage. Fear has different meanings, one is Forget Everything And Run, another one is Face Everything And Rise, and the last is False Evidence Appearing Real, which one do you operate in?
Before fire came down from heaven, Elijah first repaired the altar of God and laid his sacrifice. You cannot live in sin and expect your word to carry fire. When Adam and Eve heard the Voice of God in the Garden, they were afraid and hid themselves because of sin. Sin sponsors fear and will make you to run where you suppose to speak boldly. When are you going to repair the altar in your heart? If you do, fire and power of God you have been asking for will become too cheap for you. God is still waiting for who will go for Him, but you must be ready to go with unwavering faith and shameless audacity.
Affirmation: "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses." - Joshua 1:3 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“God can never walk with a coward.”